Blue Moon Fans

FAQ Announcements - FAQ 5th December 2004

Dearlove - So 05 Dez, 2004 19:31
Titel: FAQ 5th December 2004
Just uploaded a new version of the FAQ list, to the usual place. ( There are a couple of things you may find interesting. I'll also mention them elsewhere here.
Dearlove - So 05 Dez, 2004 19:45
Titel: Re: FAQ 5th December 2004
Dearlove hat folgendes geschrieben:
Just uploaded a new version of the FAQ list, to the usual place. ( There are a couple of things you may find interesting. I'll also mention them elsewhere here.

OK, I can't find the topic here that I left hanging. (If someone does, please drop me a line and I'll reply there.) This was about original language, and I can confirm (as I thought, but I try - sometimes successfully - to stick to comments I'm sure of) that it's all English first, German translation later. Of course Reiner is German, so it should be a pretty good translation (he doesn't do it, but of course approves it).
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