Blue Moon Fans

Unofficial Blue Moon - Blue Moon RPG Beta Doc

Pneumonica - Fr 22 Aug, 2008 04:57
Titel: Blue Moon RPG Beta Doc
Okay, so I tried posting this a moment ago and it failed, so closing browser and trying it again.

If you remember from way back when, you might remember me as the dude who said he was working on a Blue Moon RPG for Savage Worlds. Well, I wasn't lying. Life happened, however, as it oftentimes does. I do, however, have some work done.

I've got work on a Psi/Magic system (split between the three elements and stuff... I'm still working on it) and I've got some notes on a geographical primer (not much data exists in that regard, however), but what I have here is a nicely (!) complete (?) beta document for the peoples of Blue Moon. I haven't got writeups for the Buka, Hyla, Tutu, or Phar, but I know basically what I'm going to do with each of them except the Tutu, who are difficult little buggers all around (as usual).

Disclaimer: This is the World of Blue Moon According to Me. It contains a lot of personal ideas and interpretations that are subject to debate. Part of the reason I'm posting it here is to filter some of these ideas. There were some points where I was just filling in gaps, and others where I was making stuff up.

Things to know:

1) I've set the game after the events of the Blue Moon City game. I've made a few assumptions in order to produce an adventure fantasy setting with many opportunities for grand adventure. Among them - the Psi Crystal does not yet glow, and there has not yet been a replacement Golden Dragon or monarchy. The place is currently being operated by the Council of the Chosen. I refer to the events of the Blue Moon game as the "Dark Age" - I hope nobody minds.

2) The names of the Khind gangs are my own, simply because I like them having names. There's nothing saying the Khind gangs were actually once essentially self-contained labor crews, but it seems to make sense.

3) It's a post war setting. Each of the races has ways in which they've been scarred by the war, and while the races are mostly working together there are still tensions and still individuals who haven't moved past their traumas. This makes a good pool of dramatic tension, not to mention the occasional random encounter. (Kidding on that last part. Razz )

4) I made a few assumptions about the Mimix, Aqua, Terrah, and others, including gender compositions (we see so few male Aqua) and gender dominance (I put the Mimix as sharply matriarchal and the Terrah as mildly patriarchal). Again, this is personal interpretation.

I welcome any kind of feedback and commentary. I'm sorry, in a few cases I refer to rules that don't yet exist (the Edges of Oath of Khindness and Sister-Mother jump to mind). Please feel free to provide whatever you'd like. All input is welcome. Well, most input. Wink
Melty - Fr 22 Aug, 2008 11:14
hi pneumonica

your ideas are cool and i would test this game, but sadly i donīt know anybody who would play it with me.

did you read the blue moon book? (i donīt know if it was released in english) but it seems like you havenīt: in the book are a vulca and a hoax in love and they can touch each other normally.

about the pillar:
No Place Like Home: Pillar automatically suffer the Outsider Hindrance regardless of where they are, though it doesn’t apply to other Pillar.

i donīt think the pillar are outsiders. "outsider" sounds negative. they are bargainers and are traveling far, so they should be known and welcome (welcome for bargaining purposes) nearly everywhere. though they are nowhere at home.

i havenīt read all the people descriptions yet, but i will do it as soon as i have time for it

will you post the rules/charactersheets too?
Pneumonica - Sa 23 Aug, 2008 09:26
The book, alas, is not in English, and I can manage in German but not enough to read literature.

Does the book explain the whole "head on fire" thing? I mean, that's a fairly distinctive characteristic. I presume the Hoax at least had to be careful about the Vulca's hair lighting the Hoax' hair on fire... I'll definitely have to revise that.

As for No Place Like Home, the Outsider Hindrance indicates that somebody is not a part of the local culture. This doesn't have to mean "unwanted minority" - it could mean somebody who wasn't raised to local traditions and so does things differently, or somebody who doesn't have any local roots and so doesn't know anybody or doesn't have any reliable connections. Both of these things apply in the case of the Pillar (note that I specifically point out that it doesn't apply to other Pillar, thus it wouldn't apply in places like the Caravanserai).

The rules in terms of the core rules set isn't mine. It's Savage Worlds, by Pinnacle Entertainment. (Link leads to company website - I am not affiliated with or associated with that company.) I happen to like it. I won't be posting their rules because they sell it for money, but I will post the setting rules (races, new Edges and Hindrances, special rules, Arcane Powers, etc.).

Now, excuse me. I need to begin my mental rewrite of the Vulca.

EDIT: As for character sheets, I don't tend to dig on character sheets. I just write out my own on the fly. I might do one when I get the chance. Progress, BTW, is being made on magic.
Melty - Sa 23 Aug, 2008 13:51
Pneumonica hat folgendes geschrieben:
Does the book explain the whole "head on fire" thing? I mean, that's a fairly distinctive characteristic. I presume the Hoax at least had to be careful about the Vulca's hair lighting the Hoax' hair on fire... I'll definitely have to revise that.

the book only says that the vulcaīs head is on fire, but there are no consequences mentioned anywhere. in one scene the hoax and the vulca are kissing, so the hoax can get very close to the fire withouth burning himself.

maybe it is some kind of magic fire that doesnīt have heat at all? well, thats just my idea.

in one other scene the vulca is capable of shooting a fireball at an enemy (just 4 the info)

Pneumonica hat folgendes geschrieben:
The rules in terms of the core rules set isn't mine. It's Savage Worlds, by Pinnacle Entertainment.

hm, this makes it harder to ever play the game
Pneumonica - Fr 29 Aug, 2008 01:31
The flame-shooty thing I was figuring. I'm going to encapsulate that as part of their innate access to fire magic. So their heads are on fire (and I presume glow), but it isn't a really hot fire. Okay, need to do some mental figuring. Pardon me while I retreat to the drawing board.

Oh, also, Savage Worlds is cheaply available as a PDF through their online store (link) for US$10 (the Explorer's Edition, which is the current edition). It's really a minimal investment in the present game market, plus the rules set is very streamlined. You might pay more for the deck of playing cards that is used in play. Laughing

Incidentally, don't download it for free. Indeed, don't download PDFs for free (unless the distributor is doing so on purpose). Alright, that's my soapbox moment.
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