Blue Moon Fans

Unofficial Blue Moon - The Daria development background

Lachwurzn - Do 04 Nov, 2004 14:57
Titel: The Daria development background
The basic idea was to create a deck that diversifies the schema of a fixed number of cards for a people deck. Blue Moon is very variable by definition with a lot of special actions on the cards and we didn't see any reason why not to have this for the "leader cards" as well. We considered it to be intentional that the number of cards and moons is explicitely mentioned on the "leader cards".

Therefore, the Daria have a deck maximum of 31 cards with 8 moons from other people's decks.

Why are there more than 31 Daria cards then ?

Well simply because the "down selection" has not been finished yet. Although there has been a significant number of tests using the Daria, a number of cards which were not too usable in practice will disappear simply because they were not accepted - all this based on public advice.
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