Blue Moon Fans

Unofficial Blue Moon - Daria and other sets in Dutch ?

luckyme2 - Mo 15 Nov, 2004 23:25
Titel: Daria and other sets in Dutch ?
Very Happy yep a simple question cause there are Dutch players out there also.

At Lachwurzn, I am going to send you an email containing some info about the Daria translation into Dutch. Let me know if it is ok for you.

Lachwurzn - Di 16 Nov, 2004 07:53
@Lucky2me: sure, just go ahead. I fully support this idea.

Basically, I see two ways of doing this: either you send me the translated Dutch text in a simple .TXT file (or anything else that I can copy'n'paste from) and I'll do all the changes to the card sources or I'll send you the Photoshop sources and you do it on your own.

Whatever you prefer... if you want to do it yourself, you'd need Photoshop CS and basic knowledge about it (layer selection and handling the text tool).

But again, I like the idea. the Daria are already available in English and German language (which one will you use as your starting point ?) and it will be fun to have it in Dutch as well...
luckyme2 - So 21 Nov, 2004 21:56
Gerhard, I just updated the cards and sent you the necessary info by mail,

Lachwurzn - Mo 22 Nov, 2004 12:48
Lucky2me, please re-send the mail. I did not receive it (or it was discarded by the notwork) !
Lachwurzn - Do 02 Dez, 2004 10:52
Luckyme2 (and all other durch players), please take a look at the following:

This includes the dutch texts for the card functions, but no translation for Mutant, Geest, Leider van de, Karakter, Leiderschap yet. I am waiting for tomtom to provide me with these and will then update the cards accordingly. The card titles and "flavour texts" will not be translated as long as there isn't someone creatively providing me with the dutch terms...
Lachwurzn - Sa 04 Dez, 2004 16:45
...but no translation for Mutant, Geest, Leider van de, Karakter, Leiderschap yet. I am waiting for tomtom to provide me with these and will then update the cards accordingly.

Thanks to tomtom, we now have also reproduced the above Dutch card functions. They are available as templates via
BratMokstrof - Di 04 Jan, 2005 11:00
Sieht wirklich super aus!!! Smile

Aber darf ich gleich "Kritiek" haben? Ich weiss das es meine erste Posting ist, aber ich denke das es die Karten (Holländische) besesr macht.
(Oh, ich bin nicht sicher ob Sie es wohl jetzt wissen, aber nah, bitte, bin nicht kritiziert durch mich!)

00: "Leider van de Daria". Auf die Holländische Karten gibt es beim andere sets nur "Leider". Aber ich glaube das Sie das wohl wissen.

01: "Character". Beim Holländische Karten gehört es "Karakter" zu sein, aber beim andere Karten diese Set steht es prima.

04: "Leadership". Beim Holländische Karten gehört das "Leiderschap" zu sein, aber beim andere Karten diese Set steht es prima.

112 (Mutant): "lement" ist ein type-error. Das soll "element" sein.

Das "Font" (letter-grosse, und type) von die Karten ist anders als beim Echte Karten in den beschreibung (Special Text).

Aber bitte, fass es nicht verkerht auf. Nur ein Versuch es noch besser zu machen!!! Es ist super! Smile

Denn etwas komplett anderes:

Vielleicht gibt es für mich die Möglichkeit um für die Niederlanden diese Karten wirklich zu Presse gehen zu lassen. Wir haben das mit einsige un-offiziëlle sets van Siedler von Catan Kartenspiel gemacht, und das sieht wirklich super aus. Es gibt natürlich einsige änderungen in die "colors", aber das macht mit Blue Moon nicht viel denke ich (nur im Deck bauen). Weiters würden wir wieder versuchen auch die colors zu erbessern.

Gibt es hier Interesse auch diese Blue Moon sets zu drücken?
Ruwenzori - Di 04 Jan, 2005 11:39
Hallo BratMokstrof, schön Dich auch hier zu lesen!

Das Interesse wird wohl sehr vom Preis abhängen. Kannst Du dazu bereits etwas sagen, oder hängt der Preis sehr vom Interesse ab Smile ?
BratMokstrof - Di 04 Jan, 2005 12:12
He Ruwenzori! Smile

Die Set besteht auf 38 Karten, und denn würde es üngefahr € 5,00 kosten (exclusiv senden) pro Set. Stimmt es das die Karten 12x7cm sind?

Diese Preise kann ich nur darstellen, indem es für 31 Januar rondkommen kann. Denn kann ich es gleich mitsenden mit den Catan-karten und ist die Interesse nicht mehr das Problem.
Ruwenzori - Di 04 Jan, 2005 14:33
Ui - das wäre aber preiswert!

Ich würde diese Frage in einem anderen Teil des Forums stellen, weil sie hier kaum jemand lesen wird.

Vorher aber noch ein paar Rückfragen:

Gilt das Angebot nur für die holländische Daria-Version, oder auch für die deutsche ?

Wäre es auch möglich, später als 31. Januar andere fertige Sets so drucken zu lassen (zum Beispiel die Ghonzo) - was muss man dafür dem Drucker liefern?


PS: die Kartengrösse weiss ich leider nicht auswendig und habe gerade keine Karten hier.
BratMokstrof - Di 04 Jan, 2005 15:25
Ja, natürlich ist es möglich, aber ich habe Angst das es viel mehr kosten werde, weil viel minder aufdrücken benotigt sind.

Indem es viel animo gibt von Deutsche spielern, kann ich auch Deutsche sets drucken lassen... Smile

Edit: wo startest du den neuen Thread?
Und wieviel später als 31 Januar wird es?
Ruwenzori - Di 04 Jan, 2005 16:10
>> Gilt das Angebot nur für die holländische Daria-Version, oder auch für die deutsche ?
> Ja, natürlich ist es möglich, aber ich habe Angst das es viel mehr kosten werde, weil viel minder aufdrücken benotigt sind.

Excuse me changing my posting language to English. I want to get it clear to the point.
You mean, the price of 5 EUR is for the Dutch set, and this is because you buy - lets say - 100 sets, but if we want to have it in German and we come out with only 10 sets, it could be much more expensive?

> Indem es viel animo gibt von Deutsche spielern, kann ich auch Deutsche sets drucken lassen...
You mean, the more orders, the cheaper it gets?

> Edit: wo startest du den neuen Thread?
Well, now I think it is enough to get it clear, and once it is settled I ask Xel to put a news posting in the news section and make a link to this thread.

> Und wieviel später als 31 Januar wird es?
This is hard to propose.
My thougts were, it might be wise to save postage fees, wait until the Ghonzo, Draco, maybe Azuth and Rhul get ready and let them print and sent in 1 parcel. Postage from Germany to the Netherlands for a small parcel is 8,60 EUR (max. 2 kg), for special "book type" parcel 3,00 EUR. So this is an amount worth waiting for a bundle.
BratMokstrof - Di 04 Jan, 2005 17:06
We (I?) had a slight misunderstanding I guess.

First of all:
It is possible that if enough of you at this forum are interested in getting the sets, I am willing to arrange that for you. It is quite a lot of work, I do not make profit of it, so I rather not do it for 2-3 people, if you catch my drift. Smile

However, because printing a Blue-Moon set requires about 3 prints (A3) and one gets discount if many prints are ordered, the price will be higher if you don't order much sets.
That is why I suggest to place the order the 31st of Janauary, since I also order a huge packet of Unofficial Catan Card-sets, which consits of over 500 prints A3. So you simply have a better price if you order then. I can (ofcourse) delay the order a couple of days, however, I made promises to people about that, so it shouldn't be extended too long.

On the other hand, you also have a good point, that with ordering quick one has double order costs, although I believe I can send a single set for about € 2,15 (p.p.) to you, waiting might still be less expensive. (This would make for a total price of about € 7,15 per set, a lot cheaper then the official sets (or at least: here in Holland they cost more). Plus that you can test a little if you like the quality and decide if you want a second round done the same way.

What is needed (and what I miss a little in the Dutch zip file) are high-resolution images of the cards. Are there higher resolution versions availible (also for the Dutch cards, it would make it a bit more worthy for me) Wink

And finally. What do your backgrounds look like? Are they the same as they are in the Netherlands?
Ruwenzori - Di 04 Jan, 2005 17:39
I see no misunderstandings. This is quite OK.

About High-Res and the Background I asked Lachwurzn to answer that. I believe there is a scanned background image already.

What will the set look like - I mean the printing. Is it like the original cards, printed on sort of thick paper (carton), or like many people do for private sets - print it on thin paper and weld it in foil, so it is like ID cards sealed in plastics?

And a question just for my private curiosity: which Catan Card Set are you going to print?
Lachwurzn - Di 04 Jan, 2005 17:47
What is needed (and what I miss a little in the Dutch zip file) are high-resolution images of the cards. Are there higher resolution versions availible (also for the Dutch cards, it would make it a bit more worthy for me) Wink

What I can offer to everybody interested is to send the original Adobe Photoshop images of the cards. This does not mean that they are in higher resolution, but at least they have not been JPEG-compressed.

I'd also be interested in the type of material this is going to be printed (simply can't believe anything less than €50 for a complete set when this is done to the "carton" stuff that Kosmos usually uses). As an example, I also have easy access to a A3 high-quality laserprinter, but the weight of paper is limited for these devices...
BratMokstrof - Di 04 Jan, 2005 17:53
The prints will be made at 260 grams, (dual sided) glossy paper. It looks really quite nice! If you are intereseted, mail me your address and I am willing to send you a spare card, so you can judge the quality of the paper. Perhaps this time we will use even thicker paper, we are still discussing about that (the price will go up then, though).

The cards come with rounded edges, but are not sealed with some sort of plastic.

The sets we are going to print are:

Demonen & Rampspoed
Diefstal & Spionage
Handelsgeest & Machtsvertoon
Mythologie & Natuurrampen II
Rassen & Roem II
Woestijnen & Nomaden
Zeevaarders & Kolonieën

I'm afraid that translating them won't make it any clearer, so I hope you can make antying up from it? German and Dutch are quite alike, aren't they? Wink

Edit: I am willing to send you, Lachwurzn, one card as well. But I have no more cards to send, so ... You are the only ones Wink

About the PDF, sounds fine, do you have MSN?
Ruwenzori - Mi 05 Jan, 2005 10:17
Thank you for your answers. I sent you a personal message with a text proposal for a questionnaire to count people willing to join such an order.

As for me, I do not need a paper sample in advance. I will be satisfied with whatever comes. So the cards are already cut and ready-to-play?

Regarding the German Cards background, I would look for someone who has a scanned image of it in the questionnaire posting. To desribe it with words, it looks like a star sky in black with a BlueMoon emblem in the center. The leaders have sort of light blue backs instead of black ones.


PS: some of the Catan sets I know, some not. Great job that you are doing there, indeed!
Lachwurzn - Mi 05 Jan, 2005 10:55
00: "Leider van de Daria". Auf die Holländische Karten gibt es beim andere sets nur "Leider". Aber ich glaube das Sie das wohl wissen.

--> Well, I received the Dutc translation from another Dutch forum member. He explicitely told me to call it "Leider van de Daria". But of course this can be changed with some minor effort.

01: "Character". Beim Holländische Karten gehört es "Karakter" zu sein, aber beim andere Karten diese Set steht es prima.

--> This was already corrected in the Photoshop Original, but not saved as a JPEG. Done...

04: "Leadership". Beim Holländische Karten gehört das "Leiderschap" zu sein, aber beim andere Karten diese Set steht es prima.

--> Same as above: "save failure"... Wink

112 (Mutant): "lement" ist ein type-error. Das soll "element" sein.

--> Corrected.

Das "Font" (letter-grosse, und type) von die Karten ist anders als beim Echte Karten in den beschreibung (Special Text).

--> I know. The original font is "ITC Kallos". I'll try to get my hands on it and change all the cards. This of course is more work...

The updated cards are now available via again.
kilrah - Mi 05 Jan, 2005 11:27
I have no idea what 260 grams paper is. Is this normal photo paper, business card one, ...?
BratMokstrof - Mi 05 Jan, 2005 11:39
Super, thanks a lot! Good job. Smile
I looked short on the internet for your font and it seemed to be costing $ 21,00. Given the current course of the dollar, I guess that if 20 or more persons are interested in taking the sets, we can simply buy this font and use it for the rest of the time. The price can be nicely parted by 20 then and with one additional euro (or less), it still might be considered cheap I guess?

Besides I do not understand why the translator wanted the leader to have a different name then the other leaders? ...

That sounds exactly like the Dutch backgrounds.
Regarding the backgrounds.
The previous time, we scanned the backgrounds ourselves and that resulted in some difference in color. Therefore, with the Catan-situation, I suggested to inform if the "drukker" could do the scanning for us so it is optimized for their machinery.
I called them this morning and it is possible for them (costs: € 22,70). These costs, however, will partly be paid by the Dutch buyers of the Catan sets (app. 50), so these costs shouldn't be the problem as well.

Finally, last time I forgot to add additional costs for (for example) the rounding of the edges (which actually costs quite some money), so the price of € 5,00 is maybe a little optimistic. Smile
However, all in all, I think that the costs, inclusive the purchase of the font, the scanning and the sending of the cards (assuming it costs € 2,15) should be around € 15,00.

The biggest problem for me however, that I can not predict the exact costs. Therefore in the Netherlands everyone is asked to deposit me an amount of money (€ 5,00 higher than the costs I expect it to be) and I re-deposit the money after I do know the price. Reason for this is, that I don't have the risk of people not paying their cards after they have been ordered (and thus are going to be paid afterwards). I am not willing to take any risks that this is going to cost me money. But I do not know if it is arranged this simple in international traffic as well ... Anyone?

Standard paper is 80 (100?) grams... Furthermore no idea to explain what's it like, sorry ...

Setback... I can only store 10 cards on an A3-paper, because of the really unhandy format of the cards. 4 A3s are needed to print the complete set of 38 cards (5,9 x 2,3 cards fit on an A3, if I calculated that correctly. This means 5 x 2 = 10 cards per A3).
I do not know what this means for the weight of the enveloppes, I will do some more experimentation to keep the price low. The current estimate is about € 15, inclusive cutting the cards, sending them to Germany, purchasing the font and scanning the backgrounds for better integration with the current sets. Sorry Sad
Ruwenzori - Mi 05 Jan, 2005 12:57
Regarding the backgrounds: I would strongly recommend to have the Drukker this job done. Maybe there is a chance to get cards almost not to distinguish from the original ones - which would be a great thing to achieve.

Regarding the 4 A3 sheets: I just noticed that the Daris set is planned to consist of finally 32 cards, there has just been a thread started to finish the downsizing of the set.
As for the other planned sets, Azuth and Rhul consist of 31 cards, and Ghonzo and Draco are not yet known.
So I tend to wait for more sets to finish and to print them only together (or not at all) in order to save space. To print just the Daria you would need 4 sheets A3 and have 6 cards blank, but payed for. This is nonsense IMHO.
BratMokstrof - Mi 05 Jan, 2005 13:15
Empty space can be dealt with, because not all pages need to be printed in the same amounts. It would then fill 3 pages fully, with the last page 5x the 2 remaining cards. This means that at worst, there is room left for 8 cards, not per person, but for the total package.

Scanning the backgrounds at the Drukker sounds good to me as well, so that would be done then.
Ruwenzori - Mi 05 Jan, 2005 13:34
uh oh - quite clear, I forgot about this aspect.

I will put the facts together and start a thread in the German forum section this evening to see, what interest in printing we do have at all.

Thanks a lot meanwhile
Lachwurzn - Mi 05 Jan, 2005 14:13
I looked short on the internet for your font and it seemed to be costing $ 21,00. Given the current course of the dollar, I guess that if 20 or more persons are interested in taking the sets, we can simply buy this font and use it for the rest of the time. The price can be nicely parted by 20 then and with one additional euro (or less), it still might be considered cheap I guess?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but only the person who creates the cards would need to buy a license for the ITC Kallos font. In other words, it's me for the Daria and Ghonzo and I don't have a problem with this (I take care of the license). Or do we need a license for the "Drukker" as well ?
BratMokstrof - Mi 05 Jan, 2005 14:22
Yes, I think that is correct. The Drukker just prints what we deliver, he can not use the font for his own since it is stored as a graphic, not as a (layered) PDF.

I'm not 100% sure, I'll ask them.
Lachwurzn - Mi 05 Jan, 2005 15:42
BratMokstrof hat folgendes geschrieben:
Yes, I think that is correct. The Drukker just prints what we deliver, he can not use the font for his own since it is stored as a graphic, not as a (layered) PDF.

I'm not 100% sure, I'll ask them.

And what if we provide it to the Drukker in the format of a .PDF (holding single A3 pages) ? PDFs are supposed to (optionally) already include the typeface imbedded within the file format, right ?
BratMokstrof - Mi 05 Jan, 2005 17:30
Sorry, I talked completely rubbish (not the man in form today).

The document is presented to the Drukker (what's the proper English word anyway?) in PDF format. So no PSD (that's what I meant before).

So I guess they are not capable (at least not for € 20) to distill the font out of our graphical representation...
Ruwenzori - Mi 05 Jan, 2005 17:40
Lachwurzn hat folgendes geschrieben:
I looked short on the internet for your font and it seemed to be costing $ 21,00. Given the current course of the dollar, I guess that if 20 or more persons are interested in taking the sets, we can simply buy this font and use it for the rest of the time. The price can be nicely parted by 20 then and with one additional euro (or less), it still might be considered cheap I guess?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but only the person who creates the cards would need to buy a license for the ITC Kallos font. In other words, it's me for the Daria and Ghonzo and I don't have a problem with this (I take care of the license). Or do we need a license for the "Drukker" as well ?

Dont understand your last posting.

Just Lachwurzn needs the font, neither you nor the Drukker (Printer? maybe).
BratMokstrof - Mi 05 Jan, 2005 17:47
I agree, Ruwi.
Ruwenzori - Fr 07 Jan, 2005 09:56
I opened a questionnaire in the German Forum Section to get an idea about players interest about this matter. It is already with the latest price calculation.

BratMokstrof - Fr 07 Jan, 2005 11:35
Super, bin gespannt. Smile
McSunfly - Mi 12 Jan, 2005 16:01
BratMokstrof hat folgendes geschrieben:

The sets we are going to print are:

Demonen & Rampspoed
Diefstal & Spionage
Handelsgeest & Machtsvertoon
Mythologie & Natuurrampen II
Rassen & Roem II
Woestijnen & Nomaden
Zeevaarders & Kolonieën

As discussed in another thread in the German section of this forum, it's not allowed to do this!
First of all it's not and it won't be allowed by Kosmos.
Further some of your mentioned sets don't have a dutch origin, did you think about asking the authors for their permission ???
You did not !

We agreed translating the sets hosted on our site to Dutch and vice versa but only by keeping the status of private hobby.
Working for several years with inofficial cardsets I do know what will happen if we can't get rid of such fools. Sites as or will be closed and activities to provide inofficial materials will be followed by law.

Of course it would be nice to have some official cardsets in professional quality but it seems to be a habit of mankind to get never enough.

Do it and it will lead us all to having nothing.
kilrah - Mi 12 Jan, 2005 18:44
I am kinda reluctant to reply to this as I agree that Kosmos is very generous in what they do allow. However stuff like "did you ask if you are allowed to translate the cards" are irrelevant as far as my knowledge of copytight law goes. Despite what many companies try to claim there is still the concept of fair use. Translations should in general be covered by it (assuming no money is made of it and there is no official version). I'd actually go as far as to say that it could make for an interesting court case if Kosmos actually tried to sue anyone who would do printing of inofficial cards. The case is IMHO much less clear then the officials try to claim. Copyright doesn't prohibit derivative work. Duplicating the artwork is a different topic of course albeit I am not sure in as far small icons like a flaming number in the case of BM are copyrightable.

Just let me close however that I do not want anyone to try to go this route. I am all for respecting the wishes of the respective authors in this case (as in almost all cases where the right holders are reasonable in the protection of their property). Confrontation would really not help either side. I also pretty much agree to all Sebastian Rapp has said on the topic.
Ruwenzori - Mi 12 Jan, 2005 20:30
@all English speaking readers: the posting made by Sebastian is only available in German in this forum (here). It says basically, that they dont allow any kind of professional printing of inofficial sets of any of their games, regardless of commercial or non-commercial usage. He promised me to inform all people in question personally, so I assume everybody has the same knowledge now, even when not being able to read German.

It is quite clear for me, that I will respect the will of the games authors and rights possessors expressed in this Sebastians posting.

I also wish to express my deepst regret about that twist.

But it is also evident, that this was neither foreseeable nor is it a clear matter at all. As I stated in the German forums section already, one could come to the conclusion that it is only the commercial use that Kosmos would disagree, as they already agreed to the foundation of the inofficial sets (and some other things as well). And concluding my thought, there is IMHO no reason at all to insult people of this forum as being fools, McSunfly.
McSunfly - Do 13 Jan, 2005 11:25
@ Ruwenzori:

I didn't want to insult all of you.
But I really get angry reading sentences like "It doesn't interest me what Kosmos says, I will do my prof. printing" (not exactly these words).

And in fact, therefor my opinion is iron, that's a fool.

As I mentioned above, we also have had the plan to print our inofficial sets. We got the same answer from Sebastian and after that the discussion was closed. I do not condemn the wish having the inofficial cards in superior quality but I do condemn any action against the restrictions by Kosmos.
Lachwurzn - Mi 19 Jan, 2005 09:48
I believe that the point here is that Kosmos will accept if you perform quality printing of your own cards in a circulation of exactly 1. There is no real legal difference between printing homemade cards on an inkjet or using a high-quality laser to cardboard. The main points here are: "1 set only", "for your own fan purposes only", "never commercial" and in the sense of further propagation of the BlueMoon idea. Then Kosmos will tolerate it.

I agree with the statements by Sebastian and have added a corresponding paragraph to the download section of the Daria to avoid any misunderstanding.
McSunfly - Mi 19 Jan, 2005 10:27
Yes, that's the right way.

So Kosmos will allow us all to develop our own ideas and to let the community grow.

Maybe my former postings have been a little bit dramatically but our fanpage depends on the goodwill by Kosmos as well as this one. And as I have to deal with similar topics and cases several times a month, sometimes I get to soon to the end of my temper...
luckyme2 - Fr 11 Feb, 2005 11:54
Hello Lachwurzn,
Long time no see Smile

I watched this thread and I am sure that if you want to start selling the Daria, you will have trouble with Kosmos. So maybe it is better if you would try to make the cards commercial THROUGH KOSMOS Wink

You would become famous too ! Smile

Lachwurzn - Fr 11 Feb, 2005 12:44
luckyme2 hat folgendes geschrieben:
Hello Lachwurzn,
Long time no see Smile

I watched this thread and I am sure that if you want to start selling the Daria, you will have trouble with Kosmos. So maybe it is better if you would try to make the cards commercial THROUGH KOSMOS Wink

You would become famous too ! Smile

I don't want to start selling the Daria. I never wanted to. This was always meant to be a strictly non-commercial fan project. Some say "more of a fan of women than BlueMoon", but I can live with that... Wink

As you will probably have realized by now, I'm currently working on two other projects: the "Ghonzo" are a set of totally crazy and weird people and the "Wyrm" are a set of dragons designed by ErzEngel. The latter one supposed to be serious...
Wanderer - Mo 16 Mai, 2005 06:52
Are there more non-originalsets than only Daria (looks great by the way!) to download in Dutch?
Lachwurzn - Mo 16 Mai, 2005 07:03
Wanderer hat folgendes geschrieben:
Are there more non-originalsets than only Daria (looks great by the way!) to download in Dutch?

Not really. But I can recommend the "Wyrm" and "Valeskan" as they are pretty good from both a playability as well as illustration point of view.

I have all the sources for the Wyrm, so if you can help me with the translation of the special function and flavour texts into Dutch, I'd produce a Dutch version.

If a book about failures doesn't sell, is it a success?
Wanderer - Mo 16 Mai, 2005 07:15
Lachwurzn hat folgendes geschrieben:
Wanderer hat folgendes geschrieben:
Are there more non-originalsets than only Daria (looks great by the way!) to download in Dutch?

Not really. But I can recommend the "Wyrm" and "Valeskan" as they are pretty good from both a playability as well as illustration point of view.

I have all the sources for the Wyrm, so if you can help me with the translation of the special function and flavour texts into Dutch, I'd produce a Dutch version.

If a book about failures doesn't sell, is it a success?

Thank you Lachwurzn. It may take a little time to do it (beeing a dad Laughing ) but I will come to it. Do you want me to post it right here at the time or send it with a personal mail to you?
I already appriciate it!!!
Lachwurzn - Mo 16 Mai, 2005 07:24
No need to hurry.

You can find the Wyrm cards as a ZIPped collection here for download:

Why is the word "abbreviation" so long?
Wanderer - Mo 16 Mai, 2005 08:04
I already started but I will need some help with the translation sometimes. If OK i will PM you with a question for translation or discription in English.

I hope thta this is alright by you?
Lachwurzn - Mo 16 Mai, 2005 08:14
Wanderer hat folgendes geschrieben:
I already started but I will need some help with the translation sometimes. If OK i will PM you with a question for translation or discription in English.

I hope thta this is alright by you?

Sure. As an alternative, you could also post here: as the mastermind creator of the Wyrm (ErzEngel) is watching this space and will (as anybody else) help with correct interpretation and translation of the cards.
You can use either English or German there.

The hardness of butter is directly proportional to the softness of the bread.
ErzEngel - Mo 16 Mai, 2005 10:17
Hi Wanderer!

The mastermind creator is not only watching that space but every threat in this forum.

If you need another help I got the newest version of the Blue Moon card lists. There is one for the official peoples and one for the in-official ones. Both lists are both german and english.

I think that's a great time to send these lists to Xel so that he could load them up.

But you can also download the file from my webspace. Just click HERE and enjoy.

Wanderer - Do 19 Mai, 2005 19:07
Lachwurzn hat folgendes geschrieben:
Wanderer hat folgendes geschrieben:
I already started but I will need some help with the translation sometimes. If OK i will PM you with a question for translation or discription in English.

I hope thta this is alright by you?

Sure. As an alternative, you could also post here: as the mastermind creator of the Wyrm (ErzEngel) is watching this space and will (as anybody else) help with correct interpretation and translation of the cards.
You can use either English or German there.

The hardness of butter is directly proportional to the softness of the bread.

I am already busy with the translation but I have to say sometimes it's hard to translate the words even from the titles. Still I am enjoying the work so I will go one with it.

You'll here from me soon with some questions (but they will be hard to get clear to you because you and I both have to use other words to discribe the ones I don't understand...

Greetz Wanderer
Wanderer - Di 09 Aug, 2005 20:08
ErzEngel hat folgendes geschrieben:
Hi Wanderer!

The mastermind creator is not only watching that space but every threat in this forum.

If you need another help I got the newest version of the Blue Moon card lists. There is one for the official peoples and one for the in-official ones. Both lists are both german and english.

I think that's a great time to send these lists to Xel so that he could load them up.

But you can also download the file from my webspace. Just click HERE and enjoy.


Hello ErzEngel,
Is there a textboxtool for Blue Mon so I can do the translation my self or must I do it with your help (wich is welcome by the way). Tpday I bought a german-dutch and Dutch-German translationbook... so I hope soon all the cards will have a correct translation.

I hope you have a link for such tools (maybe also one to make card by myselves (you know with symbols, cardtext vards etc.

Hope you can help me!!!
ErzEngel - Di 09 Aug, 2005 23:28
Hi Wanderer,

since my last posting in here Xel received the cardlist and loaded it up into the download section. So if you prefer a card list in english just download it for your working.

A textboxtool I don't know and for creating cards by yourself I think Adobe Photoshop should be the prog of your choice. For that Redi made a template but just look into the section "Kartenwerkstatt" in this forum.

So far, sorry for being no real help.
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