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Blue Moon Fan
Alter: 42
Anmeldungsdatum: 10.09.2006
Beiträge: 1
Wohnort: Praha/Prague
i got a bit through the fan-sets of peoples around this page and found out that some are already neatly done, some were maybe finished but you can´t actually find the cards anywhere in here and some are in probably in process of developing. For us, not german speaking, it is a bit confusing which sets belong to what group.
That´s why i´d be glad if someone could tell us more. This is what i think i saw and questions on some, please any correction and answer would be appreciated:
Done and ready for use: Daria, Wyrm, Azuth, Creeper
Developing (?): Chronos, Ghonzo, Tha Roon, Estaron, LOTR, Gods
Will never be finished, or was finished, but withdrawn by author (?): Rhul, Waldmenschen, Geometrix, Valeskan
and i heard somewhere, sure i have no idea where, about peoples named Phar, but have no idea if they are some future oficial ones, or another fan-set, or maybe they don´t exist at all...
Gott der Rechtschreibung
Alter: 49
Anmeldungsdatum: 26.07.2004
Beiträge: 4752
Wohnort: Krefeld
Actually ther is a dissusion but better presenting the inoficials. So your Question cames in perfect Time.
I don't no much abaut the inoficials so someone else shoeld answer your Question about the being of it.
The Phar are People that are, like the Buka, are Named in the Flavorwritigs of the official Cards. Ther ist actually no Information that they will developed in near Futur. But ther is also no Information that they will not be developed
So in this Case we have to look for the Futur and Hope.
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Gott des skrupellosen Drachenshoppings
Alter: 41
Anmeldungsdatum: 04.01.2005
Beiträge: 1579
Wohnort: Münster
I am the developer of the lord of the ring set. The set is complete and ready to play. You can see the cards under http://www.blue-moon-fans.com/viewtopic.php?t=2431&start=0
but the text is only in german. I planed other lotr sets form the hobbit and elves and dwarfes but in th emoment i have not enough time for it. i think the estaron, the valeskan are complete.
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Münsterliga Rulez!!!
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