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Blue Moon Fan
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32
Martin and I are very happy to present The Cabal to you. We playtested them thoroughly and we are very confident that they are balanced in the out-of-the-box format. We are also quite confident they are balanced in constructed, but we wouldn't be too surprise if experience would show that there is an over-powered/under-powered card or two. We don't think so, but you never know...
Martin has designed many decks (me: only one) and our objective with all of them is the same: to include them as legal cards in our local tournaments.
The Cabal and all subsequent decks are very much a fan-made project that has the aim of providing all Blue Moon players with additional cards to play at home or in tournaments. Our decks will never officially be sanctioned by Fantasy Flight Games (FFG) and Reiner Knizia so they will never be part of a legal FFG events. They are to be used in friendly games at home and in tournaments.
We would very like to have an illustration for each of them, and standard graphic design. But we don't have the money to have all the cards illustrated, nor do we have the skills to have standard graphic design for them. If you like the cards and the decks and we would humbly ask for your help. It seems some of the users of this site have done beautiful work in the past to illustrate their cards.
So, let me go ahead and present The Cabal. I will separate the cards in different posts: Leader and Character cards, Booster and Support cards, Leadership phase cards, and out-of-affiliation cards (a fancy name for the 3 cards form other races). Those will all be the cards for the out-of-the-box/pre-built deck. All other Cabal cards available for constructed mode will be posted at the end.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bolga am Mi 25 Nov, 2015 15:47, insgesamt 3-mal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Fan
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32
We don't have a solid story for The Cabal yet. But we imagine them as secretive, mysterious, resilient and powerful. They live inside mountains and are rarely seen outside of them. They are said to have the ability of telepathy and use the power of their minds to control their enemies. It is all rumors though...
In game mechanisms term they are a "disrupt" deck. The power values of their cards are low but their special power text is strong. They shut down the enemy and frustrate them. Like the Flit, but even more intense. We have found that they very rarely win by having 4 dragons, but also very rarely lose by 4 dragons.
Their deck affiliation letter is C.
There are 1 or 2 cards that we are not sure of the moon cost. I'll point them out with an interrogation mark beside the moon value. Please provide feedback.
We don't have flavour text for the cards yet. We are not very good at that.
We qualify them as a difficult deck to play well. This is not a beginner deck. It will likely take you some time to learn to play them well and find them balanced. But maybe not. You guys are very experienced at the game and may master them quickly. We find them fun and quite intense to play and rewarding to master. Enjoy.
The Cabal have the DEBILITATE icon.
DEBILITATE: When you have an active card with the DEBILITATE icon and you don’t have an active booster card, your opponent on his turn cannot play booster cards. When you have an active card with the DEBILITATE icon and you don’t have an active support card, your opponent on his turn cannot play support cards.
Focal Point Enabler of the Cabal
30 cards 10 moons
Cabal 00
Sand Snake
Fire: 5
Earth: 3
No Special Power Text
Cabal 01
Moon value: 2
Fire: 5
Earth: 0
No Special Power Text
Cabal 02
Moon value: 1
Fire: 3
Earth: 2
Special Power Text: Now you must discard 2 cards from your hand, or retreat (in your Beginning Phase). If you don't have 2 cards in your hand you must retreat in your Beginning Phase.
Cabal 04
Moon value: 2
Note about Wolf: Yes, his text does mean that if you retreat during your Beginning Phase you cannot play Leadership Phase cards on your turn since the turn ends immediately when you retreat. You can still do other actions that are legal during the Beginning Phase, like Retrieve.
Fire: 3
Earth: 2
Special Power Text: The printed value in Earth of 1 of your active character cards reduce to 0, expect on active PROTECTED cards.
Cabal 05
Moon value: 2
Fire: 2
Earth: 3
Special Power Text: The printed value in Fire of 1 of your active character cards reduce to 0, expect on active PROTECTED cards.
Cabal 06
Moon value: 2
Fire: 2
Earth: 3
Special Power Text: Now I may discard 1 of your active cards that has special power text, except your last remaining active character card and active PROTECTED cards.
Cabal 07
Moon value: 2
Ringleader Echo
Fire: 3
Earth: 1
No Special Power Text
Cabal 08
Moon value: 1
Ringleader Shadow
Fire: 1
Earth: 3
No Special Power Text
Cabal 11
Moon value: 1
Ringleader Raven
Fire: 1
Earth: 3
No Special Power Text
Cabal 12
Moon value: 1
Fire: 2
Earth: 2
No Special Power Text
Cabal 13
Moon value: 1
Fire: 2
Earth: 1
Special Power Text: On my turn, 1 of your active character cards of my choice is ignored, except Flit character cards.
Cabal 15
Moon value: 2 ?
Black Cat
Fire: 1
Earth: 2
Special Power Text: You may not play cards with icons.
Cabal 16
Moon value: 3
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bolga am Di 01 Dez, 2015 05:39, insgesamt 11-mal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Fan
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32
Here are the Booster and Support cards for the Cabal.
Kilat for Pure Focus
Fire: 3
Earth: 3
Icon: PAIR
No Special Power Text
Cabal 17
Moon value: 2
Kilat for Clear Thought
Fire: 2
Earth: 2
No Special Power Text
Cabal 18
Moon value: 2
Kilat for Mental Strength
Fire: 1
Earth: 1
No Special Power Text
Cabal 19
Moon value: 1
Kilat for Tranquil Mind
Fire: 1
Earth: 1
No Special Power Text
Cabal 20
Moon value: 1
Kinesis Bolts
Fire: 2
Earth: 2
No Special Power Text
Cabal 21
Moon value: 2
Ether Wave
Fire: 2
Earth: 1
Special Power Text: Your Hyla and Interference cards are ignored.
Cabal 22
Moon value: 2
Note: Obviously made for constructing decks with. Just a plain 2/1 out-of-the-box.
Fire: 1
Earth: 0
Special Power Text: During my End phase, I may search through my discard pile, select 1 character card, reveal it to you, and shuffle it into my draw deck.
Cabal 23
Moon value: 1
Mind Shaft
Fire: 0
Earth: 1
Special Power Text: During your End phase, you may not have active cards in your combat and support areas with a total of more than 6 moons. If you do, you must discard cards in your combat and support areas until you have a total of 6 moons or less in those areas, or retreat.
Cabal 24
Moon value: 1 ?
Note: if your opponent discards cards in such a way that it reduces his total power below your current one it's ok. As long as in his Power Phase he at least matched your current total power, he has met the condition to continue the fight. This means that on your next turn you will only need to at least match your opponent's current total power to continue the fight.
Pain Shock
No power values
Special Power Text: Every time you play card you must beforehand discard another card from your hand, or retreat.
Cabal 25
Moon value: 3 ? (we debated a lot about this one: 3 or 4 moons)
Psychic Imprint
No power values
Special Power Text: Every time you draw cards from your draw deck you must draw one less card.
Cabal 26
Moon value: 1
Note: this card doesn't prevent the effect of letting you search through your draw deck and taking one or more cards into your hand.
Induce Unconsciousness
No power values
Icon: FREE
Special Power Text: Your cards with the SHIELD icon are ignored.
Cabal 27
Moon value: 1
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bolga am Mo 30 Nov, 2015 06:32, insgesamt 6-mal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Fan
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32
Here are the Cabal Leadership cards.
Sensing the Tide
Special Power Text: If I do not have at least 1 dragon on my side, I may now attract 1 dragon.
Cabal 28
Moon value: 4
Unrelenting Control
Special Power Text: If I retreat in my Engagement phase, I may keep any number of my active support cards in my support area instead of discarding them.
Cabal 29
Moon value: 3
Anticipating the Outcome
Special Power Text: If I retreat in my Engagement phase, I may beforehand retrieve up to 2 cards from my combat and support areas and take them into my hand.
Cabal 30
Moon value: 2
The last Leadership card of the Cabal may not be well received since it creates a big exception to an existing rule. Martin and I like to push the limits of existing rules in our race designs, as you probably noticed already. We enjoy fresh ideas. But we aim to not over-complicate things. Yes, more things are required to keep track of, but our objective is to make it clear on the cards.
Manipulating the Gullible
Special Power Text: This card remains active until the next time your announce your total power. If you announce a total power of 3 or less, I immediately attract a dragon. Then this cards stops being active.
Cabal 31
Note: despite its exception to the Leadership cards not being active beyond the turn it is played, it is the weakest of the Cabal leadership cards and not super exciting to play. Really only useful in out-of-the-box format.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bolga am Mo 30 Nov, 2015 06:15, insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Fan
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32
Reserved for the 3 out-of affiliation cards.
Here are the 3 out-of-affiliation cards in the Cabal standard deck:
Imp Bomber
Fire: 0
Earth: 0
Icon: (blue) GANG
Special Power Text: Now I may force you to discard 1 card from your hand for each of my active character cards with a GANG icon.
Girga 14
Moon value: 2 ? (only strong when in a deck with other cards from the blue gang. How do you evaluate such a card then?)
Coronel Ramos (temporary name)
Fire: 3
Earth: 2
Special Power Text: Now I may add 1 power token to 1 of my active Campesino in my influence area.
Rouser 06
Moon value: 1
Note: The name of "Campesino" for this type of Rouser cards is also temporary.
Daisuke the Great
Fire: 3
Earth: 3
No Special Power Text
Kazuko 02 (the name "Kazuko" is very likely temporary)
Moon value: 1
Definition of the LANCE icon: Each character card your opponent plays on his turn must at least equal the total printed power in the current element of the fight of all your active cards with the LANCE icon in your combat area, or retreat. Each character your opponent plays in a turn is checked in such a way before playing his next one.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bolga am Di 01 Dez, 2015 05:41, insgesamt 4-mal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Fan
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32
There are 5 Cabal cards not in the standard deck available for constructing decks:
Fire: 4
Earth: 3
Special Power Text: You may not play cards that have more than 2 moons.
Cabal 03
Moon value: 3
Ringleader Winter
Fire: 3
Earth: 1
Icons: PAIR, DEBILITATE, LANCE (see above for the definition of the LANCE icon)
No Special Power Text
Cabal 09
Moon value: 2
He (temporary letters)
Ringleader Tempest
Fire: 2
Earth: 2
No Special Power Text
Cabal 10
Moon value: 1
Ka (probably temporary letters)
Ringleader Bull
Fire: 1 (Shield)
Earth: 1 (Shield)
Icon: PAIR
No Special Power Text
Cabal 14
Moon value: 1 ?
Chosen of Manipulation
Special Power Text: Now you look at the cards in my hand and discard a card of your choice. Then I look at the cards into your hand and discard a card of my choice.
Cabal 32
Moon value: 0
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Bolga am Di 01 Dez, 2015 05:11, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Emperor***
Alter: 40
Anmeldungsdatum: 02.11.2005
Beiträge: 1188
Wohnort: Meran
It looks very interesting! Just one quick question before you continue and we give feedback: Isn't there missing a 3/1 Ringleader?
_________________ Ceterum censeo Drachenkaufdecks esse delendam.
Blue Moon Fan
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32
Good catch Helios. Yes, there is a 3/1 Ringleader. It is not in the pre-built deck. It is a card that I think is in another race and is available for constructed play. I will include it at the end.
Gott des krassmatischen Charismas & more
Alter: 53
Anmeldungsdatum: 18.12.2004
Beiträge: 2318
There are some interesting ideas coming along with the Cabal Characters.
I like the debilitate icon. It is quite powerful, maybe too powerful.
Spring, the 2/2 Char with debilitate and retrieve, is "undermooned" in my opinion, i would give him at least 2 moons.
Wolf: You are changing the concept of retreating, that could be tricky/dangerous with some other rule interpretations (without having a concrete example in mind). Normally you retreat in your retreat phase, with one exception, the floods. Maybe it works fine. You obvioulsy have a reason for this.
I'm a little unhappy with the formulation, because it differs from the usual blue moon wording. I would propose to use the wording of the caterpillars: Now you must discard 2 cards from your hand, or retreat (in your beginning phase).
Fire: 2
Earth: 3
Special Power Text: Now I may discard 1 of your active cards that has special power text, except your last remaining active character card and active PROTECTED cards.
Cabal 07
Moon value: 2 ?
> Probably 1 moon is enough.
Black Cat
Fire: 1
Earth: 2
Special Power Text: You may not play cards with icons.
Cabal 16
Moon value: 3
> Probably 2 moons are enough.
Curious about the next cards
Gott der Abstrusitäten
Alter: 46
Anmeldungsdatum: 08.04.2004
Beiträge: 6160
Wohnort: Berlin
First of all, I am pretty impressed that you two guys are playing and testing your decks this consequently. One year of weekly testing, great. As consequence you've created a new people, that doesn't seem to be overpowered. That's not easy, because nearly everyone tends to overpower his own people. Question: What is your premise? Standard or profi?
Second: I asked myself how you are playing? Do you have blanko-cards only with values and text when you are testing the cards?
Third: What do you think: On which level are your general deck-building abilities? Are you playtesting your own people all the time or are you building different decks with the official cards too? It is very important (if not necessary) to understand the game as whole and the strength of all cards in all variaties. Synergy is the keyword here. We had tons of guys in the past who build one people after another without understanding the game in its deepest depths. I have the feeling that you know what you are doing, but I am curious about your general Blue Moon skills. Could you post one or two decks you've created with the official cards? I am only curious.
Fourth: To say the truth, I am probably the guy here who has the smallest ambitions in playing with fan-decks. I am are pure tournament player with a lot of competition in my blood.
So I am in general sceptical about unofficial cards and rule changing aspects. Nevertheless I appreciate it, when someone spends time and thought in such projects.
Fifth: Some words to your cards/ideas:
Debilitate: This could be a strong icon when you start the fight. And it could weaken rush-decks and strengthen slower decks what's not bad at all. I find this idea interesting but without experience it is hard to estimate it.
Wolf: I am sceptical about this card in questions of its moon value. Only the second sentence could make this card interesting. But this part of its function will work very seldom. Compare it with Sarogakanas the Ancient. This card is much more interesting because it doesn't give you the possibility to choose the cards that are discarded. Ok, Wolf has higher values, but for me it isn't worth 3 moons. In fact I can imagine many situations where this special ability is weaker than Sarogakanas'. I come to the conclusion, that this card is only worth 1,6 or 1,7 moons and has to be rated with 2 moons.
Zephyr: Because this card allows to discard every type of card (characters, boosters and supports) I would give it 2 moons.
Draco: Why not Flit? What about protected cards? And compare it with Highchirp, who is able to discard one character, even Flit. Moon value 1.
Black Cat: 2 moons are enough imo.
All the best and rock on!
_________________ Wer hier lebt, weiß nicht was er morgen verpassen könnte, außerdem werden die Blue Moon-Krieger auferstehen und die Vaqua und Homix und Inquisisandten sowie die restlichen anderen Typen, deren Namen mir entfallen sind, wo war ich stehengeblieben?
Blue Moon Fan
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32
Thank you for all your comments. We appreciate them. I was too sick last night to post the Booster and Support cards. I hope to do that tonight.
I will also address the issues you raised later on. But I want to address two things right away.
First, we will change Wolf's text to reflect the suggestion. It's a good one.
Second, the DEBILITATE icon. In our experience it's not overpowered. It self-balances itself since in order to take the most advantage of it you can't have active support and/or booster cards. The DEBILITATE icon is indeed stronger at the start of a fight; good observation Mobbi. It's weaker as the fight drags on. Plus, there aren't many character cards with the icon. It works out.
Take Spring for example. He's strong when he doesn't have a booster and a support card and when you start a fight. But he only throws 2 power at you. And if you do have an active support and/or a booster card, he's much weaker.
We find the DEBILITATE icon to be has powerful as the GANG and RETRIEVE ones. Not more. Try it, you'll see.
The rest of the cards should put the whole deck in perspective.
Blue Moon Fan
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.05.2012
Beiträge: 32
The Cabal Booster and Support cards are up.
Blue Moon Emperor***
Alter: 40
Anmeldungsdatum: 02.11.2005
Beiträge: 1188
Wohnort: Meran
I'm still very impressed by your creativity. But I still have two questions:
1) Ether Wave has 2/1. Why? Will there come a support-Card with 1/2?
2) Induce Unconsciousness: How can I lose my Protection when im unconsious?
_________________ Ceterum censeo Drachenkaufdecks esse delendam.
Alter: 40
Anmeldungsdatum: 28.03.2005
Beiträge: 4891
Wohnort: Troisdorf
I like the concept, but I want to see all the cards before I give my opinion. 12 Chars seems rather few and a few numbers are still missing.
Gott des krassmatischen Charismas & more
Alter: 53
Anmeldungsdatum: 18.12.2004
Beiträge: 2318
@ Zephyr:
Similar cards are Cinder and Top Dog.
Cinder discards a Booster or Support card. There are 85. Without the Cabal ones. 1 Moon.
Top Dog discards a Character, Booster or Support card with icon. There are 31 Booster and Support cards with icon and 100 Character cards with icon, but there is to consider the restriction of the last Character, that has to remain. 1 Moon.
Zephyr discards a Character, Booster or Support card with special text. There are 49 Booster and Support cards with icon plus 78 Character cards with icon (with restriction). Its earth value is 1 higher.
My suggestion is still 1 Moon.
Top Dog has the gang symbol, which is advantage (special function can be used more turns) and disadvantage (vulnerability) at the same time.
Mind Shaft
Fire: 0
Earth: 1
Special Power Text: During your End phase, you may not have active cards in your combat and support areas with a total of more than 6 moons.
Thats a little bit tricky. It has to be defined more precisely.
What if the opponent has already more than 6 moons in his support area? Is he forced to retreat or is he allowed to discard support cards? The latter would be a new concept in blue moon.
A powerful card imo. 2 moons.
Induce Unconsciousness
The moons are missing. Maybe 2?
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