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Autor Nachricht
Blue Moon Fan
Blue Moon Fan

Alter: 43
Anmeldungsdatum: 04.01.2005
Beiträge: 12
Wohnort: Amsterdam
BeitragVerfasst: Di 04 Jan, 2005 17:53  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

The prints will be made at 260 grams, (dual sided) glossy paper. It looks really quite nice! If you are intereseted, mail me your address and I am willing to send you a spare card, so you can judge the quality of the paper. Perhaps this time we will use even thicker paper, we are still discussing about that (the price will go up then, though).

The cards come with rounded edges, but are not sealed with some sort of plastic.

The sets we are going to print are:

Demonen & Rampspoed
Diefstal & Spionage
Handelsgeest & Machtsvertoon
Mythologie & Natuurrampen II
Rassen & Roem II
Woestijnen & Nomaden
Zeevaarders & Kolonieën

I'm afraid that translating them won't make it any clearer, so I hope you can make antying up from it? German and Dutch are quite alike, aren't they? Wink

Edit: I am willing to send you, Lachwurzn, one card as well. But I have no more cards to send, so ... You are the only ones Wink

About the PDF, sounds fine, do you have MSN?

Schütze Geschlecht:Männlich Hahn OfflinePersönliche Galerie von BratMokstrofBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit

Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 05 Jan, 2005 10:17  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Thank you for your answers. I sent you a personal message with a text proposal for a questionnaire to count people willing to join such an order.

As for me, I do not need a paper sample in advance. I will be satisfied with whatever comes. So the cards are already cut and ready-to-play?

Regarding the German Cards background, I would look for someone who has a scanned image of it in the questionnaire posting. To desribe it with words, it looks like a star sky in black with a BlueMoon emblem in the center. The leaders have sort of light blue backs instead of black ones.


PS: some of the Catan sets I know, some not. Great job that you are doing there, indeed!

Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!

Löwe Geschlecht:Männlich Drache OfflinePersönliche Galerie von RuwenzoriBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Gott der Signaturen
Gott der Signaturen

Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.07.2004
Beiträge: 4055
Wohnort: Wien
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 05 Jan, 2005 10:55  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

00: "Leider van de Daria". Auf die Holländische Karten gibt es beim andere sets nur "Leider". Aber ich glaube das Sie das wohl wissen.

--> Well, I received the Dutc translation from another Dutch forum member. He explicitely told me to call it "Leider van de Daria". But of course this can be changed with some minor effort.

01: "Character". Beim Holländische Karten gehört es "Karakter" zu sein, aber beim andere Karten diese Set steht es prima.

--> This was already corrected in the Photoshop Original, but not saved as a JPEG. Done...

04: "Leadership". Beim Holländische Karten gehört das "Leiderschap" zu sein, aber beim andere Karten diese Set steht es prima.

--> Same as above: "save failure"... Wink

112 (Mutant): "lement" ist ein type-error. Das soll "element" sein.

--> Corrected.

Das "Font" (letter-grosse, und type) von die Karten ist anders als beim Echte Karten in den beschreibung (Special Text).

--> I know. The original font is "ITC Kallos". I'll try to get my hands on it and change all the cards. This of course is more work...

The updated cards are now available via again.

Widder Geschlecht:Männlich Drache OfflinePersönliche Galerie von LachwurznBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Gott der Taktiken
Gott der Taktiken

Alter: 48
Anmeldungsdatum: 10.03.2004
Beiträge: 2510
Wohnort: Salzburg
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 05 Jan, 2005 11:27  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

I have no idea what 260 grams paper is. Is this normal photo paper, business card one, ...?

Krebs Geschlecht:Männlich Drache OfflinePersönliche Galerie von kilrahBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Blue Moon Fan
Blue Moon Fan

Alter: 43
Anmeldungsdatum: 04.01.2005
Beiträge: 12
Wohnort: Amsterdam
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 05 Jan, 2005 11:39  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Super, thanks a lot! Good job. Smile
I looked short on the internet for your font and it seemed to be costing $ 21,00. Given the current course of the dollar, I guess that if 20 or more persons are interested in taking the sets, we can simply buy this font and use it for the rest of the time. The price can be nicely parted by 20 then and with one additional euro (or less), it still might be considered cheap I guess?

Besides I do not understand why the translator wanted the leader to have a different name then the other leaders? ...

That sounds exactly like the Dutch backgrounds.
Regarding the backgrounds.
The previous time, we scanned the backgrounds ourselves and that resulted in some difference in color. Therefore, with the Catan-situation, I suggested to inform if the "drukker" could do the scanning for us so it is optimized for their machinery.
I called them this morning and it is possible for them (costs: € 22,70). These costs, however, will partly be paid by the Dutch buyers of the Catan sets (app. 50), so these costs shouldn't be the problem as well.

Finally, last time I forgot to add additional costs for (for example) the rounding of the edges (which actually costs quite some money), so the price of € 5,00 is maybe a little optimistic. Smile
However, all in all, I think that the costs, inclusive the purchase of the font, the scanning and the sending of the cards (assuming it costs € 2,15) should be around € 15,00.

The biggest problem for me however, that I can not predict the exact costs. Therefore in the Netherlands everyone is asked to deposit me an amount of money (€ 5,00 higher than the costs I expect it to be) and I re-deposit the money after I do know the price. Reason for this is, that I don't have the risk of people not paying their cards after they have been ordered (and thus are going to be paid afterwards). I am not willing to take any risks that this is going to cost me money. But I do not know if it is arranged this simple in international traffic as well ... Anyone?

Standard paper is 80 (100?) grams... Furthermore no idea to explain what's it like, sorry ...

Setback... I can only store 10 cards on an A3-paper, because of the really unhandy format of the cards. 4 A3s are needed to print the complete set of 38 cards (5,9 x 2,3 cards fit on an A3, if I calculated that correctly. This means 5 x 2 = 10 cards per A3).
I do not know what this means for the weight of the enveloppes, I will do some more experimentation to keep the price low. The current estimate is about € 15, inclusive cutting the cards, sending them to Germany, purchasing the font and scanning the backgrounds for better integration with the current sets. Sorry Sad

Schütze Geschlecht:Männlich Hahn OfflinePersönliche Galerie von BratMokstrofBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit

Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 05 Jan, 2005 12:57  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Regarding the backgrounds: I would strongly recommend to have the Drukker this job done. Maybe there is a chance to get cards almost not to distinguish from the original ones - which would be a great thing to achieve.

Regarding the 4 A3 sheets: I just noticed that the Daris set is planned to consist of finally 32 cards, there has just been a thread started to finish the downsizing of the set.
As for the other planned sets, Azuth and Rhul consist of 31 cards, and Ghonzo and Draco are not yet known.
So I tend to wait for more sets to finish and to print them only together (or not at all) in order to save space. To print just the Daria you would need 4 sheets A3 and have 6 cards blank, but payed for. This is nonsense IMHO.

Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!

Löwe Geschlecht:Männlich Drache OfflinePersönliche Galerie von RuwenzoriBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Blue Moon Fan
Blue Moon Fan

Alter: 43
Anmeldungsdatum: 04.01.2005
Beiträge: 12
Wohnort: Amsterdam
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 05 Jan, 2005 13:15  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Empty space can be dealt with, because not all pages need to be printed in the same amounts. It would then fill 3 pages fully, with the last page 5x the 2 remaining cards. This means that at worst, there is room left for 8 cards, not per person, but for the total package.

Scanning the backgrounds at the Drukker sounds good to me as well, so that would be done then.

Schütze Geschlecht:Männlich Hahn OfflinePersönliche Galerie von BratMokstrofBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit

Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 05 Jan, 2005 13:34  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

uh oh - quite clear, I forgot about this aspect.

I will put the facts together and start a thread in the German forum section this evening to see, what interest in printing we do have at all.

Thanks a lot meanwhile

Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!

Löwe Geschlecht:Männlich Drache OfflinePersönliche Galerie von RuwenzoriBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Gott der Signaturen
Gott der Signaturen

Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.07.2004
Beiträge: 4055
Wohnort: Wien
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 05 Jan, 2005 14:13  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

I looked short on the internet for your font and it seemed to be costing $ 21,00. Given the current course of the dollar, I guess that if 20 or more persons are interested in taking the sets, we can simply buy this font and use it for the rest of the time. The price can be nicely parted by 20 then and with one additional euro (or less), it still might be considered cheap I guess?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but only the person who creates the cards would need to buy a license for the ITC Kallos font. In other words, it's me for the Daria and Ghonzo and I don't have a problem with this (I take care of the license). Or do we need a license for the "Drukker" as well ?

Widder Geschlecht:Männlich Drache OfflinePersönliche Galerie von LachwurznBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Blue Moon Fan
Blue Moon Fan

Alter: 43
Anmeldungsdatum: 04.01.2005
Beiträge: 12
Wohnort: Amsterdam
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 05 Jan, 2005 14:22  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Yes, I think that is correct. The Drukker just prints what we deliver, he can not use the font for his own since it is stored as a graphic, not as a (layered) PDF.

I'm not 100% sure, I'll ask them.

Schütze Geschlecht:Männlich Hahn OfflinePersönliche Galerie von BratMokstrofBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Gott der Signaturen
Gott der Signaturen

Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.07.2004
Beiträge: 4055
Wohnort: Wien
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 05 Jan, 2005 15:42  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

BratMokstrof hat folgendes geschrieben:
Yes, I think that is correct. The Drukker just prints what we deliver, he can not use the font for his own since it is stored as a graphic, not as a (layered) PDF.

I'm not 100% sure, I'll ask them.

And what if we provide it to the Drukker in the format of a .PDF (holding single A3 pages) ? PDFs are supposed to (optionally) already include the typeface imbedded within the file format, right ?

Widder Geschlecht:Männlich Drache OfflinePersönliche Galerie von LachwurznBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Blue Moon Fan
Blue Moon Fan

Alter: 43
Anmeldungsdatum: 04.01.2005
Beiträge: 12
Wohnort: Amsterdam
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 05 Jan, 2005 17:30  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Sorry, I talked completely rubbish (not the man in form today).

The document is presented to the Drukker (what's the proper English word anyway?) in PDF format. So no PSD (that's what I meant before).

So I guess they are not capable (at least not for € 20) to distill the font out of our graphical representation...

Schütze Geschlecht:Männlich Hahn OfflinePersönliche Galerie von BratMokstrofBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit

Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 05 Jan, 2005 17:40  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Lachwurzn hat folgendes geschrieben:
I looked short on the internet for your font and it seemed to be costing $ 21,00. Given the current course of the dollar, I guess that if 20 or more persons are interested in taking the sets, we can simply buy this font and use it for the rest of the time. The price can be nicely parted by 20 then and with one additional euro (or less), it still might be considered cheap I guess?

Correct me if I'm wrong, but only the person who creates the cards would need to buy a license for the ITC Kallos font. In other words, it's me for the Daria and Ghonzo and I don't have a problem with this (I take care of the license). Or do we need a license for the "Drukker" as well ?

Dont understand your last posting.

Just Lachwurzn needs the font, neither you nor the Drukker (Printer? maybe).

Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!

Löwe Geschlecht:Männlich Drache OfflinePersönliche Galerie von RuwenzoriBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Blue Moon Fan
Blue Moon Fan

Alter: 43
Anmeldungsdatum: 04.01.2005
Beiträge: 12
Wohnort: Amsterdam
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 05 Jan, 2005 17:47  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

I agree, Ruwi.

Schütze Geschlecht:Männlich Hahn OfflinePersönliche Galerie von BratMokstrofBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit

Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
BeitragVerfasst: Fr 07 Jan, 2005 09:56  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

I opened a questionnaire in the German Forum Section to get an idea about players interest about this matter. It is already with the latest price calculation.


Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!

Löwe Geschlecht:Männlich Drache OfflinePersönliche Galerie von RuwenzoriBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
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