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Blue Moon Fan
Alter: 39
Anmeldungsdatum: 17.01.2005
Beiträge: 20
Wohnort: Houten
I know that there are tons of information in the german part, but I cant read much of it so I thought, why not start one in english?
What tips would you have for deckbuilding?
personnaly, I think countering is the best way of deckbuilding, even if you dont have a clue which deck your up against
I usually take the hoax since they are allready very flexibel and ad a few flits with strong specials (such as, not allowing the oponent to play more then 1 card, allowing you to kill a character if the oponent uses more then 1, and the ignore other cards special abbilities)
Also, I would say it would be nice including Kabu kat or Baku bat which have a pretty good chance of forcing the oponent to withdraw
anyone else got tips on how to strengthen the custom decks?
Gott der Rechtschreibung
Alter: 49
Anmeldungsdatum: 26.07.2004
Beiträge: 4752
Wohnort: Krefeld
There are many ways to stregthen your Deck.
Espacialy a Hoax Deck will profit from suport Cards like laughinggas or other Suporters.
My Deck most are reacting.
Your Idea is more to play blocking Cards before your Oponent plays something you than have to deal with.
Grrr, it's not easy to say such things in English, i have to think about als of this some Time since i can say more
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Gott des Hilfsbereitheid
Alter: 38
Anmeldungsdatum: 06.07.2004
Beiträge: 1799
Wohnort: Münster
Generally i use three ways of deckbuilding.
My favourite variant is definitly the themedeck. I decide to make a deck with some (or just one) cards or a special strategy and then choose the most fitting leader for this and the other custom cards to support the decks idea. Often this produces surprisingly powerfull decks, which have a good chance to be unconventional.
Then there is the idea of enhanching one people set's given advantages with the custom Cards. For exampel giving the Mimix more card draw, or FREE-icon-cards (ok there is actually only one...) to speed up the deck's speed.
In opposite to this you could just try to negate the given disadvantages of
a people set. The standard-example would be getting some powerful earth-characters for the Vulca...
So my tip for deckbuilding is: Play a set several times and then decide, which cards were (often) useless and what cards could support your personal style of playing.
Sorry for my broken English.
Greetings Geirröd
Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
Geirröd hat folgendes geschrieben: |
So my tip for deckbuilding is: Play a set several times and then decide, which cards were (often) useless and what cards could support your personal style of playing.
Sounds good to me. I'd also pay careful attention to your character balance. Replacing poor characters by boosters and supports is an easy way to increase your deck strength - but too few characters and you'll be crippled when you draw a character free hand. Incidentally in play take a tip from Scrabble where leaving yourself a balanced rack after your turn is often more important than maximising your score. I must admit I don't count my deck (or my opponent's) as I play, but a real Blue Moon Expert would.
Gott der Signaturen
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.07.2004
Beiträge: 4055
Wohnort: Wien
Dearlove hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Incidentally in play take a tip from Scrabble where leaving yourself a balanced rack after your turn is often more important than maximising your score. |
Which brings me to the question of how to balance your first 6 cards when the game starts. What would you recommend as general rules for dropping ad re-drawing cards at the beginning ?
Obviously, one would avoid to start with a "hand" of no-characters or all-characters. But there are certainly many more (even when ignoring deck-specific ideas now)...
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
Personally I drop all cards (except 1 strong char), when having Hoax27 Muster Reinforcements and having it not within the start hand.
_________________ Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!
Blue Moon Fan
Anmeldungsdatum: 07.11.2004
Beiträge: 11
I'd have to say I prefer the "theme deck" style of building, when I get a chance to build a deck at all (which isn't often). It was my preferred deck building style in Magic:The Gathering (a fun, but hardly competitive style). My favorite thus far is still my first custom Blue Moon deck, a Mimix discard deck.
I got rid of:
Hail of Arrows - Booster - 2F/1E
Whirling Hatchet - Booster - 1F/2E
Menacing Wardance - Support - 2F/2E
Fearsome Chant - Support - "If I retreat you attract one fewer dragon."
I replaced them with :
Hoax Cards:
Muster Reinforcements - Leadership - "No I may draw five cards." - 4 moons
Saroganakas the Ancient - Character - 1F/1E - "Now I may take two cards from your hand and discard them." - 1 moon
Terrah Cards:
Bashdin - Character - 1F/2E - "Now I may force you to discard two cards from your hand." - 1 moon
Khind Cards:
Open Lucky Bag of Life - Leadership - "Now I shuffle my discard pile face down and may draw three cards from it into my hand." - 3 moons
Note: The deck I started with was a reconstructed Mimix deck, with all Mimix cards from other decks returned home. Thus, Heroine of the High Plains is included in this constructed deck. I find this approach easier for deck building, since I think it's easier to see the strengths and weaknesses of a reconstructed deck thanks to their more cohesive nature (for lack of a better term).
What I got is a deck that has the potential to discard 18 of your opponent's cards, if you're very lucky and very determined, and 9-11 in a single game isn't unusual. As Christopher Dearlove pointed out on BGG, there are ways to build a deck with higher discard potential, but this one is fairly well balanced. I lost some power with the boosters and support, but the extra card drawing and card retrieval helps me get the pairs and free characters I need to stay competitive.
My method for this deck was to look at the Mimix and think "What are they really missing?" The answer was any real way to mess with your opponent's play. The Mimix can throw down lots of power and have good card drawing, but nothing really "mean". I decided to make the Mimix more aggressive in this way, and went for discarding just for fun. While it lacks some of the power of the base Mimix deck, you have a good chance of discarding at least a couple of your opponent's key cards. Overall I find it to be a fun deck, and a bit surprising to people who think they know what to expect from the Mimix.
Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
Lachwurzn hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Which brings me to the question of how to balance your first 6 cards when the game starts.
Start by asking the question whether to use this optional rule.
Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
JeffK hat folgendes geschrieben: |
As Christopher Dearlove pointed out on BGG, there are ways to build a deck with higher discard potential, but this one is fairly well balanced.
I should note I wasn't recommending it, just noting it as a possibility. One card of note is Caterpillar Eartheroder. Now I'm not going to say anything I shouldn't, but if I were building a discard deck I'd actually start somehere else than the Mimix.
Gott der Rechtschreibung
Alter: 49
Anmeldungsdatum: 26.07.2004
Beiträge: 4752
Wohnort: Krefeld
Yeah, the Khind are a good Base for Discard Decks.
There ist the Top Gang already. Together with other Discard Cards it can be very bad, i think.
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Blue Moon Fan
Anmeldungsdatum: 07.11.2004
Beiträge: 11
Dearlove hat folgendes geschrieben: |
I should note I wasn't recommending it, just noting it as a possibility. One card of note is Caterpillar Eartheroder. Now I'm not going to say anything I shouldn't, but if I were building a discard deck I'd actually start somehere else than the Mimix. |
Probably. However, I wasn't out to build a discard deck per se - I was out to do something fun with the Mimix deck. A discard deck just came to mind as being a fun way to make them play differently.
I'm not sure which base deck would have more potential, given the Mimix's ability to retrieve cards from their discard pile, and those cards are not cheap in terms of moons. I'll have to give it some thought and see if I can figure out what you're hinting at.
Blue Moon Fan
Alter: 39
Anmeldungsdatum: 17.01.2005
Beiträge: 20
Wohnort: Houten
I see what your idea was, but bashdin allows the opponent to choose which cards to throw away, he will always pick the weakest and hope for something stronger to replace them with.
If I would make a theme deck out of Mimix, making a drawing deck might be smarter, trying to end the game as soon as possible by depleting your own pile so that your opponent wont get the chance to pull out all his aces.
include: muster reinforcments (4 moons) + khetarkopas the astronomer (2) + heroine of the great plains (2) + quivering quicksand (2)
and throw out: young bear, young fox, noproblem, cardus nikkus
But I aint that experienced yet so maybe I'm just saying complete nonsense here
also, if you use a card from a differend deck but which actually belongs to the deck you are playing, would that card then still count up to the 10 moon limit according to the rules of the liga? (using heroine of the plains here as an example)
Blue Moon Fan
Anmeldungsdatum: 07.11.2004
Beiträge: 11
If I would make a theme deck out of Mimix, making a drawing deck might be smarter, trying to end the game as soon as possible by depleting your own pile so that your opponent wont get the chance to pull out all his aces.
A draw deck might be smarter, but I was going for something to directly affect my opponent's play, and a draw deck doesn't really do that. Besides, the Mimx already have pretty good card drawing.
include: muster reinforcments (4 moons) + khetarkopas the astronomer (2) + heroine of the great plains (2) + quivering quicksand (2)
Heroine of the Great Plains does not cost any moons, as it is already a Mimix card, so yes, you'd have 2 extra moons to play with if you build that deck.
Blue Moon Fan
Alter: 39
Anmeldungsdatum: 17.01.2005
Beiträge: 20
Wohnort: Houten
Does that mean that if I would construct a deck with the Vulca and leave this 'heroine of the great plaines' in, it would actually cound up to the ten moons even though it was allready part of the deck, leaving me to put in only 8 moons (asuming I did drew out pandeonium and aaralia aqua-secunda)?
Gott des Hilfsbereitheid
Alter: 38
Anmeldungsdatum: 06.07.2004
Beiträge: 1799
Wohnort: Münster
Yes. If you play Vulca, you have to pay for any Non-Vulca-card - no matter, which people set contains this Non-Vulca-cards. On the other hand you never have to pay for Vulca-Cards in this case.
For the other people the same rules apply, of course.
Greetings Geirröd