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Blue Moon Fan
Alter: 42
Anmeldungsdatum: 11.04.2004
Beiträge: 4
Wohnort: Pittsburgh, PA
I have some more rules questions:
1. Concerning Hoax - Sarogakanas the Ancient (and any other similar cards that may exist): do I look at my opponent's hand and choose two cards to discard, or do I choose the two cards blindly and randomly?
2. Concerning Leadership cards: does "on this turn" mean only the turn of the player playing the Leadership card, or the entire cycle consisting also of his/her opponent's turn? (this question comes up with Hoax - Enthrall Opposition).
Many thanks,
Sebastian Rapp / Kosmos
Anmeldungsdatum: 15.03.2004
Beiträge: 201
Wohnort: Stuttgart
gdozzi hat folgendes geschrieben: |
I have some more rules questions:
1. Concerning Hoax - Sarogakanas the Ancient (and any other similar cards that may exist): do I look at my opponent's hand and choose two cards to discard, or do I choose the two cards blindly and randomly?
2. Concerning Leadership cards: does "on this turn" mean only the turn of the player playing the Leadership card, or the entire cycle consisting also of his/her opponent's turn? (this question comes up with Hoax - Enthrall Opposition).
Many thanks,
Giancarlo |
1. The text does not say "choose" but "draw". "Draw" does always mean, you have to draw randomly.
2. Rules page 7: "... some remain active for your entire turn, but never beyond the current turn." So when your turn (the current one) is over, a new turn begins. And your leadercard is no longer actice.
Sebastian Rapp / Kosmos
Blue Moon Fan
Alter: 42
Anmeldungsdatum: 11.04.2004
Beiträge: 4
Wohnort: Pittsburgh, PA
OK...that's how we've been playing, but I wanted to make sure. Thanks for the help!
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
Some Qs (partially already with As) from the German forums section.
Q: Is ist possible to ignore Hyla Octaks special text ("At the end of each fight, if I hold fewer than eight cards in my hand, I may draw to eight cards."), lets say with khind27 "Lachgas\Laughing Gas"?
A:(official) No
Q: Is ist possible to ignore Hyla Piplox' special text ("On my turn, I may play one additional booster/support card."), lets say with khind27 "Lachgas\Laughing Gas"?
A: (official) Yes
Q: Is ist possible to ignore Inquisitor Razor-Minds special text ("+5 Karten/Cards +5 Monde/Moons - I may play my cards as if they had the REPLACE icon."), lets say with khind27 "Lachgas\Laughing Gas"? If yes, with what effect on the first, the deck building part of the text?
A: (official) Yes for the second text part, and no for the deck building/moon s part.
Q: When Hyla Piplox ("On my turn, I may play one additional booster/support card.") is active, may I play one booster/support card after having played a character with a STOP symbol?
A: (official) Yes, like it is the case with hoax29 and flit31
Q: May I play leadership Bounce Back ("My active cards attack again."), when there is no fight, and so I do not have any cards that could attack again? This would make sense when I have more dragons as my opponent, have 4 cards in my hand and none left on my pile. I would then play this leadership with no effect, discard the remaining three cards, and game is over, I win).
A: (official) Yes.
_________________ Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ruwenzori am Di 22 Feb, 2005 22:47, insgesamt 3-mal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Emperor****
Alter: 45
Anmeldungsdatum: 15.03.2004
Beiträge: 1419
Wohnort: Bruck
Q: Is ist possible to ignore Hyla Octaks special text ("At the end of each fight, if I hold fewer than eight cards in my hand, I may draw to eight cards."), lets say with khind27 "Lachgas\Laughing Gas"?
i think its impossible to ignore a card that effects after a fight...
because laughing gas is no longer active and on the discardpile at this phase
sg stizn
_________________ Mitglied der 'B/P'
Gott der Taktiken
Alter: 48
Anmeldungsdatum: 10.03.2004
Beiträge: 2508
Wohnort: Salzburg
I agree with stizn. I think the confusion migth be that some red that as "at the end of the turn" instead of "at the end of the fight". In the first case I'd say it can be ignored, but the card isn't that strong and with its real text it should be impossible to get ignored.
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
uh, you are right, this might be so.
Quotation from the rules part on "winning a fight":
Zitat: |
Both players now remove all their cards from their combat and support areas and place them face up on their respective discard piles.
At the end of any fight, both players refresh their hands to six cards by drawing from their draw decks. If you already have six or more cards in your hand, you keep those cards rather than refreshing your hand.
Then the retreating player starts the next fight. |
If the order of writing represents the order of gameplay, then you are both possibly right. As there is nothing said about the order, a clarification would be nice.
I made a mistake on writing the Qs and As on the Hylas together. I edited my first "A" to "none yet" and added a second Q after it, which I forgot first.
_________________ Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!
Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
Ruwenzori hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Some Qs (partially already with As) from the German forums section.
Well, I have answers to all of these questions, but I ought to let Sebastian have them first. (Phone discussion with Reiner, on this and other matters, is the source.) I also need to write them up as proper Q&As in my usual format.
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
Thanks. I only noticed after writing how many open questions there were at the moment. Its sometimes really hard to keep track of all the various threads and questions in them.
We'll keep in patience then.
_________________ Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!
Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
Ruwenzori hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Thanks. I only noticed after writing how many open questions there were at the moment.
Even that's not the complete list (though it is most of them). After all it's not much more than a week since a significant list of brand new concepts were added to the game. The good news is that all of the questions can be answered without invoking any new unwritten rules.
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
Some questions that I failed to collect here until now:
Q: If I play with Inquisitor Razor-Mind ("+5 Karten/Cards +5 Monde/Moons - I may play my cards as if they had the REPLACE icon."), and my opponent plays a card to ignore my symbols
namely terrah26 "Undurchdringlicher Nebel/Impenetrable Fog" "Deine Symbole werden ignoriert, mit Ausnahme von STOPP- und GESCHÜTZT-Symbolen./Your icons are ignored, except STOP and PROTECTED."
or a card to ignore my cards that have symbols
namely flit13 "Mad Mike/Mad Mike Magpie" "Deine Karten mit Symbolen werden ignoriert, mit Ausnahme von Flit-Charakteren und Karten mit dem GESCHÜTZT-Symbol./Your cards with icons are ignored, except Flit character cards and PROTECTED cards."
which effect has this
Q1: on any of my cards, that dont have a printed symbol on them, and that are not already covered by Q2?
Q2: on a card, that I wish to play in accordance of Razor-Minds special function, as if it had a REPLACE-symbol?
Q3: on cards, that have a printed REPLACE symbol on them?
All answers are official meanwhile.
A1: no effect, because they could only act, as if they had a REPLACE symbol on them, but dont have it, and I dont want to play it as if they had.
A2: the answer must be the same as for Q3, because if I wish to use the special text, it adds a REPLACE symbol to this card, which makes it the same case as Q3.
A3: I may not use the REPLACE symbol then, as it is ignored and can be ignored.
A3: If I wish to play a card with the REPLACE symbol: this case is clear: the card is ignored by flit13, and the REPLACE symbol is ignored by terray26, which has no effect on playing this card.
_________________ Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ruwenzori am Di 22 Feb, 2005 22:53, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
I think these are all now answered in the FAQ. In at least one case this may not be exactly as you were expecting.
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
Thank you, I will work my posting over the other day.
Another one:
Q: If I have an active Hyla Piplox ("On my turn, I may play one additional booster/support card."), and I play a card with a STOP symbol before my booster+support phase, may I play now exactly 1 booster/support card (allowed by special power text of Hyla Piplox), or may I play 1 booster/support card AND any number of FREE booster/support cards in addition?
A: just 1 booster/support card. The special power text of Hyla Piplox does not re-instantiate the allowness to play 1 regular booster/support card, only on which the allowness to play FREE booster/support cards is bound.
_________________ Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Ruwenzori am Di 22 Feb, 2005 22:53, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
Ruwenzori hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Another one |
Yes, I saw this (in abbreviated form, not spelled out in detail) and didn't feel it was really a new question, as all that's new is that the text is on a Hyla rather than a leadership card. Does that need saying?
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
hm, the question with the additional FREE b/s was never asked before in any conjunction (AFAIK).
But it is merely one for the EAQ*, not for the FAQ section ...
By the way, all answers are completed in the above Qs now from your FAQ texts.
* every asked question
_________________ Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!
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