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Blue Moon Fan

Alter: 66
Anmeldungsdatum: 18.10.2004
Beiträge: 14
Wohnort: Washington, D.C.

Dearlove hat folgendes geschrieben: |
I'm the wrong person to ask here. Almost all of my games have been teaching people to play (which is slower obviously) or playtesting, which has a different dynamic. I note that the game box has 30 minutes, which I would have said was (among experienced players) a longer tough fought game (which they often are) rather than a quick win. But I have no hard facts even from my own games. |
I would say that 30 minutes is a reasonable estimate for face-to-face games played to five crystals. It takes as least two rounds to get there, and that's only if one player wins both of them.
But that's just my estimate from having played about a dozen times. I've yet to have a really tough game that lasted several rounds.
I have not played online, and am also wondering how that can take longer.
Blue Moon Playtester

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258

orangeblood hat folgendes geschrieben: |
I would say that 30 minutes is a reasonable estimate for face-to-face games played to five crystals. It takes as least two rounds to get there, and that's only if one player wins both of them. |
Unless you have the second E&I set ...
Zitat: |
I have not played online, and am also wondering how that can take longer. |
Oh, if I gave the impression I couldn't see how it could be longer, let me correct that now. Dragging cards around is probably similar to physically drawing them, maybe a little longer. Typing information is a bit slower than speaking it. But the real hits (from one game of course) were comprehension and handling errors - I can say, you can't do that much faster than the same online, and back up more easily. (I shouldn't give the impression I was just correcting errors, I think I corrected one and was corrected twice on not recognising card type.)
Actually the more I think about it I can see, not quite a factor of two, but definitely a serious mark up. But the faster the game, the higher the ratio - thinking time should be the same.
Blue Moon Fan

Alter: 66
Anmeldungsdatum: 18.10.2004
Beiträge: 14
Wohnort: Washington, D.C.

Dearlove hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Unless you have the second E&I set ... |
Ah, I wish that were so, but it's not yet available to me. Nor is the first, of course.
Zitat: |
Oh, if I gave the impression I couldn't see how it could be longer, let me correct that now. Dragging cards around is probably similar to physically drawing them, maybe a little longer. Typing information is a bit slower than speaking it. |
That makes sense, now I understand.
Gott des Hilfsbereitheid

Alter: 38
Anmeldungsdatum: 07.07.2004
Beiträge: 1799
Wohnort: Münster

My guess for playing times (no fast wins due to the "fourth dragon")
20-40 minutes for a real game
25-55 minutes for an online game
The really long online games were with a lot of talk/rules-discussion, which is usually much slower than in reality, since you can speak much faster than you can type words
The Inquisition will also add some minutes for sure...
Greetings Geirröd
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