I think the most important reason for playing the Top-Gang slow, is the fact that there is a very small amount of possible defenses (at least if you have Top Star in your hand - Top Dog does work sometimes too).
"Laughing Gas", "Titterweet", "Provoke Earthquake" and "Drown Resistance" do work at least as well against a fast played gang and mostly everything else will be "solved" by the guys mentioned above (Top Star, Top Dog).
In oppsite "Highchirp" and "Ferro Fos" are a serious Problem for a slowly played Top-Gang. But at least with "Highchirp" you may switch to fastplay early enough. I hope this considerations might help.
Alright those remarks showed my why it's sometimes better to play the topgang at low speed and the others at high speed. Thank you all. Geirrod thank you for telling wich cards will put a good defence against this technique
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