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Site Admin
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Alter: 53
Anmeldungsdatum: 08.03.2004
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Wohnort: Wien
BeitragVerfasst: Mi 13 Jul, 2005 09:02  Titel:  1. OFFICIAL EUROPEAN BLUE MOON CHAMPIONSHIP 2005 Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Kosmos & Blue Moon Fans are proud to present the


Date: SATURDAY, 15th OCTOBER 2005
Registration starting from 16:00, Championship begins at 17:00

“Hollywood” Conference room
Frohnhauser Strasse 6
D-45127 Essen, Germany

>>> Subway Station: Berliner Platz

Please visit for information about the hotel and driving directions .

Tournament Leader & Judge: Xelethotiras, E-Mail: xelethotiras@blue moon

Up to 30 entries are permitted to the tournament.
Players must bring their constructed decks and deck-lists to the tournament in order to participate. All Blue Moon Cards (incl. Promotional cards) in all languages are allowed. After the registration, players are not allowed to change their deck or to exchange single cards.

The general rules, the rules in the Emissaries & Inquisitors- (and/or Inquisitors & Emissaries-) set, the “Karten-FAQ” (in German: ) and Chris Dearloves FAQ ( ) current at the time of the tournament are valid.

The deck must be constructed using the "Deck Building: Playing with the Inquisitors "rules ( ), this means it must contain a Leader and an Inquisitor. The optional rule (“After the players have drawn their initial hand of six cards at the beginning of the game, each player may place any number of his cards face down on top of his draw deck. Then the draw decks are reshuffled once again and the players refresh their hands to six cards by drawing from their draw decks.”) is permitted.

Each player must play 7 games. 1 game takes up to but no more than 45 minutes. If a game remains unfinished, the current fight will be finished and the crystal-count at the end of the period stands. Slow playing in order to gain advantage will result in disqualification.

After the end of each game the tournament leader must be informed of the current scores and standings. The difference of the won games (W) / lost games (L) = Points (P), the won (WC) and the lost crystals (LC) will be evaluated.

Lots are drawn to determine the first match opponents. All further matches is determined by the resulting scores of players, ie (P) (e.g. player A (1 point) against player B (1 point), player C (-1 points) against player D (-1 points)).

With an uneven number of participants, a win by default (“Def-Win”) will be awarded to one player before the first game begins (4:0 crystals). This will once again be decided by the drawing of lots. This player is then suspended for the duration of one game. In the following 6 games, a Def-Win will be awarded to the player in last position. A Def-Win cannot be assigned to the same player more than once.

After the 7th game, the players in 3rd and the 4th-place will battle for the 3rd place.
The fist player to attain 5 crystals in one or more games is proclaimed the winner.

The players in 1st and the 2nd-place will battle in the final for the title of the European Blue Moon Champion 2005!
The fist player to attain 5 crystals in one or more games is proclaimed Champion.

The tournament result will be posted in the Blue Moon Ranking list:

Players already confirmed:
01. Alberto
02. Christ
03. erml
04. Thorak
05. Starfire
06. Spielbar
07. trumpetfish
08. Stoertebeker
09. boxi
10. Marc
11. Mambax
12. Ladoik
13. Drantos
14. Geirröd
15. Van
16. Ruwenzori
17. Cedric
18. Sanya
19. Flotti
20. darkestsoul
21. Colin
22. Carina
23. Dummy
24. Dwragon
25. Mertyrer
26. Johnwoo
27. Randan
28. Ritterderdrachenlanze
29. Baserune
30. Pee-Dee-2
31: kilrah
32: Nagash

Please contact me, if you are listed above and want to cancel your application.

Zuletzt bearbeitet von Xelethotiras am Mi 09 Nov, 2005 12:06, insgesamt 4-mal bearbeitet
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Blue Moon Playtester
Blue Moon Playtester

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258

BeitragVerfasst: Mo 08 Aug, 2005 22:30  Titel:  Re: 1. OFFICIAL EUROPEAN BLUE MOON CHAMPIONSHIP 2005 Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

I'm planning to drop in and say hi to some of you (starting with Xelethotiras) I've only made electronic contact with. (I've been to the last decade of Spiel, so I'll be in the neighbourhood.)

I'm not planning to play - too embarassing to lose, and I won't be available in the evening anyway. But if I did, and based on that the rules include

The general rules, the rules in the Emissaries & Inquisitors- (and/or Inquisitors & Emissaries-) set, the “Karten-FAQ” (in German: ) and Chris Dearloves FAQ ( ) current at the time of the tournament are valid.

I did come up with this plan to add an entry to the FAQ

Q: Are there any secret rules to the game Blue Moon?

A: Yes. If you are playing against someone whose name is mentioned in the Blue Moon rules credits in a tournament, he attracts three dragons before the game starts.

I even have an email with Sebastian Rapp's support for this addition (although probably only because he knows I won't).

 Geschlecht:Männlich  OfflinePersönliche Galerie von DearloveBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail sendenWebsite dieses Benutzers besuchen
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit

Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
BeitragVerfasst: Di 09 Aug, 2005 08:08  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

I strongly welcome this addition to the FAQ Smile

Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!

Löwe Geschlecht:Männlich Drache OfflinePersönliche Galerie von RuwenzoriBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Site Admin
Site Admin

Alter: 53
Anmeldungsdatum: 08.03.2004
Beiträge: 1846
Wohnort: Wien
BeitragVerfasst: Di 09 Aug, 2005 10:33  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

I thought you won't tell the others that you will drop in Wink
Before the tournament I wanted to announce you ... like "Now say hello to our special guest Christopher Dearlove ... (loud applause)..." Laughing

Löwe Geschlecht:Männlich Schwein OfflinePersönliche Galerie von XelethotirasBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail sendenWebsite dieses Benutzers besuchenICQ-Nummer
Blue Moon Playtester
Blue Moon Playtester

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258

BeitragVerfasst: Di 09 Aug, 2005 18:17  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Xelethotiras hat folgendes geschrieben:
Before the tournament I wanted to announce you ... like "Now say hello to our special guest Christopher Dearlove

Good, that's got that out of the way. Low key, that's me. Well, relatively low key but usually talking too much.

 Geschlecht:Männlich  OfflinePersönliche Galerie von DearloveBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail sendenWebsite dieses Benutzers besuchen
Blue Moon Playtester
Blue Moon Playtester

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258

BeitragVerfasst: Sa 24 Sep, 2005 21:05  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

I've just uploaded the latest version of the FAQ list. It's been two months since the last version, for a number of reasons, not all good.

Assuming no one finds an error, or raises an important (by which I mean it is actually likely to happen, and isn't just academic) new question, this is intended to be the last version before Spiel, and hence to be the version for the European championship, if the organisers are happy with that.

 Geschlecht:Männlich  OfflinePersönliche Galerie von DearloveBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail sendenWebsite dieses Benutzers besuchen
Blue Moon Emperor****
Blue Moon Emperor****

Anmeldungsdatum: 13.04.2004
Beiträge: 1211

BeitragVerfasst: Sa 24 Sep, 2005 22:13  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben


There is at least one mistake concerning Metarkhas and Rout Retainers

FAQ hat folgendes geschrieben:
Q: If I have an active Mekarthas the Shrewd [Hoax 16, Aqua deck] ("Your
icons are ignored, except STOP.") and play Rout Retainers [Hoax 30,
E&I:A deck] ("Now I may discard your active FREE cards.") do I
discard any of your cards?

A: No, you do not. The phrase "FREE cards" should be interpreted in the
same way as "PROTECTED cards" (see the appropriate section above),
that is as "cards with a FREE icon which is not ignored" and I do not
have any such cards due to all my FREE icons being ignored. (Note
that if you did not have Merkarthas the Shrewd all my cards with FREE
icons would be discarded, whether active or not.)

You do discard all the FREE cards even if the FREE icon is ignored.
(because Sebastian said so Wink )
An ignored FREE icon is still present and it's still a FREE icon, and therefor the card is discarded.

there is maybe a problem with your interpretation of cards being "PROTECTED"
FAQ hat folgendes geschrieben:
Q: How should the phrase "PROTECTED cards" be interpreted on cards such
as Mad Mike Magpie [Flit 13, Terrah deck] ("Your cards with icons are
ignored, except Flit character cards and PROTECTED cards.")?

A: This should be interpreted as "cards with a PROTECTED icon which is
not ignored".

Your interpretation may be true for Mad Mike, Provoque Earthquake, and so on
(although I'm not quite sure, have to take a closer look at it and all its possible consequences),
but it surely doesn't apply to Rout Retainers.

there are some more problems... (well, at least one)
for example concerning the REPLACE icon, Mad Mike and Impenetrable Fog (maybe even more cards),
but I have to take a closer look at it bevor I can give you a final statement, resume, interpretation, what ever... Wink

 Geschlecht:Männlich  VerstecktPersönliche Galerie von RedamikanasBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Blue Moon Playtester
Blue Moon Playtester

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258

BeitragVerfasst: Sa 24 Sep, 2005 22:55  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Redamikanas hat folgendes geschrieben:
There is at least one mistake concerning Metarkhas and Rout Retainers

Maybe, maybe not.

You do discard all the FREE cards even if the FREE icon is ignored.
(because Sebastian said so

I see your Sebastian and raise you a Reiner. But we are all supposed to be singing from the same sheet, so I'll consult further.

there is maybe a problem with your interpretation of cards being "PROTECTED"

Your interpretation may be true for Mad Mike, Provoque Earthquake, and so on but it surely doesn't apply to Rout Retainers.

I take it you mean the analogous rule doesn't apply to FREE. See above.

there are some more problems... (well, at least one) for example concerning the REPLACE icon, Mad Mike and Impenetrable Fog (maybe even more cards), but I have to take a closer look at it bevor I can give you a final statement, resume, interpretation, what ever

And I have a specific statement agreeing with the case you have a problem with, from The Man. Note that it's based on the MMM text and the definition of being a PROTECTED card, the actual function of the PROTECTED icon (which doesn't) is a red herring.

I've spent quite some time on this one, and let me be specific. Whilst further discussion is appropriate, I do not currently accept that there either of these cases are incorrect, and the FAQ is based on the best authority currently available.

 Geschlecht:Männlich  OfflinePersönliche Galerie von DearloveBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail sendenWebsite dieses Benutzers besuchen
Blue Moon Emperor****
Blue Moon Emperor****

Anmeldungsdatum: 13.04.2004
Beiträge: 1211

BeitragVerfasst: So 25 Sep, 2005 10:58  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Well, I'll give you what Sebastian told us:

The german translation of Provoque Earthquake isn't quite right.
Our translation says (if you translate it back into english):
"Now I may discard all your cards from your combat area, except active cards with a PROTECTED icon."
while the correct english version says:
"Now I may discard all your cards from your combat area, except active PROTECTED cards."
He told us that this has come up, because the german translation doesn't allow that kind of pun as the english version uses with the word "protected".
(Same problem with the translation of Laughing gas)

So "an (active) PROTECTED card" means that the card has to be "protected", that it actually has to benefit from the effect of the PROTECTED icon.
And if this definition counts for Provoque Earthquake, it will also count for Mad Mike, Drown Resistance, Top Dog, Chosen of Air and Erupta.

If the effect of the PROTECTED icon is ignored by Mekarthas, or if that card (and the icon on it) is inactive, or still in your Hand,
then cards do not count as being "protected".
(because the effect of the PROTECTED icon doesn't work)

Quick Summary: "a PROTECTED card" is not the same as "a card with a PROCTECTED icon", but rather "a card that uses the effect of the PROTECTED icon".

So what consequences does this have:

1. If a card is not "protected" you can discard it, or ignore it, or reduce it's value.

2. While your opponent has Mad Mike in his combat area you can only replace Flit character cards with Razor-Mind.
(in this case Mad Mike can ignore cards with a PROTECTED icon, because those cards aren't yet "protected" while they're in your hand.)

(Once again Wink) here's the list with all the possible cases concerning the REPLACE icon/Razor-Mind:
(well, at least the way we see it Wink )

- Tittertweet: You may not REPLACE cards using the special power of Razor-Mind (*)
- Laughing gas: You may not REPLACE cards using the special power of Razor-Mind (*)
- Mekarthas the Shrewd: You may not REPLACE any cards.
- Impenetrable Fog: You may not REPLACE any cards.
- Mad Mike Magpie: You may not REPLACE any cards, except Flit character cards.
- Hank Highflyer Hawk: You may not REPLACE any character cards, except Flit character cards.
- Flitterflutter: You may not REPLACE any support cards.
- Trillilling: You may not REPLACE any booster cards.

(*) You can only REPLACE cards with a printed REPLACE icon
(TUTU WhizWhiz, Interference cards & Achievement cards)

Back to Rout Retainers...

This is what Sebastian told us: (well, at least a poor translation of it Rolling Eyes )

An ignored character card is a character card whos values, icons and special power do not have any effect,
but who can be affected by every card that affects character cards.
An ignored character does still counts as a character, so that he can fullfill for example the condition to continue a fight (play a character card).

An ignored special power is a special power which does not have any effect, but which is affected by every card that affects special powers.
(For example: I do have an active Corono Cos and an active Laughing gas. Laughing gas can't prevent my opponent to fullfill the request of Corono Cos.)

An ignored icon is an icon which does not have any effect, but who can be affected by every card that affects icons.
(For example: Rout Retainers also discards all cards with an ignored FREE icon.)

we'll have to see which version is right...
Yes, I do doubt your Reiner-version,
although it may be quite a blasphemy to doubt something what Reiner has said Wink
I hope you don't stone me (" Well, you did say 'Jehovah' ")...

 Geschlecht:Männlich  VerstecktPersönliche Galerie von RedamikanasBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit

Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
BeitragVerfasst: So 25 Sep, 2005 16:15  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Dearlove hat folgendes geschrieben:
I see your Sebastian and raise you a Reiner.

Would you be so kind as to let us all see this happen in reality at Spiel? Must be a great spectacle, indeed Wink

I think all translations of Redi are correct and he gave you the exact German gameplay version, as it is for now. We had a very long (discussion-) struggle to set all these things clear, and they seem quite logical for me now.


Löwe Geschlecht:Männlich Drache OfflinePersönliche Galerie von RuwenzoriBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail senden
Blue Moon Playtester
Blue Moon Playtester

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258

BeitragVerfasst: So 25 Sep, 2005 17:06  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

You've extrapolated too far, especially when you put (active) in parentheses as if it doesn't matter. There is a difference between "an active PROTECTED card" and "a PROTECTED card" as the former has an additional qualification, namely being active. Now look at Provoke Earthquake, which uses the former, and Mad Mike Magpie, which uses the latter, so you can't apply a PE ruling to MMM.

As for Rout Retainers, if we have a definition that "a PROTECTED card" is defined in terms of the PROTECTED icon in a certain way, then "a FREE card" is defined in terms of the FREE icon in the same way. And if "a PROTECTED card means "card with an unignored PROTECTED icon "then continue the logic to what "a FREE card means" and therefore what Rout Retainers does.

Where does the "unignored" come from? To quote the rules "When a card is ignored, its values, icons and special power texts have no effect.". And we have specifically discussed this one.

 Geschlecht:Männlich  OfflinePersönliche Galerie von DearloveBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail sendenWebsite dieses Benutzers besuchen
Blue Moon Emperor****
Blue Moon Emperor****

Anmeldungsdatum: 13.04.2004
Beiträge: 1211

BeitragVerfasst: So 25 Sep, 2005 20:42  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

So what you wanne tell us is,
that "an active PROTECTED card" is a card that is actually using the effect of the icon,
and that "a PROTECTED card" is simply a card that has a PROTECTED icon ,
is that correct?
(because we were thinking that the "active" only describes the status of the card and not the status of the icon)
(a card lying in your combat/support area = an active card),
and that a card actually using the effect ("being protected") could never be something else than an active card)

well, yet another tiny little extra ruling that we can add to the huge pile of extra rules that already exist.

I'm wondering if it wouldn't be much more simple to add an "active" to Mad Mike Magpie,
so it would be more uniform...

hey, and then you could say that "an active PROTECTED card" is a "card with an unignored PROTECTED icon",
and Rout Retainers wouldn't be concerned by this ruling,
becaus it doesn't request "an active FREE card" Wink

hmm... wait a minute...
is it possible that this would be more true than just saying "a PROTECTED card" is "a card with an unignored PROTECTED icon"?
(well if my above definition of "active PROTECTED card" and "PROTECTED card" is right...)

I'm getting some headaches because of this...
(you probably too, but because of me Wink)

 Geschlecht:Männlich  VerstecktPersönliche Galerie von RedamikanasBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
Blue Moon Playtester
Blue Moon Playtester

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258

BeitragVerfasst: So 25 Sep, 2005 22:15  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Redamikanas hat folgendes geschrieben:
So what you wanne tell us is, that "an active PROTECTED card" is a card that is actually using the effect of the icon, and that "a PROTECTED card" is simply a card that has a PROTECTED icon, is that correct? (because we were thinking that the "active" only describes the status of the card and not the status of the icon)

No, that's not what I'm telling you.

There's no such concept as an active icon. Nothing in what I've said has suggested that. Active is defined in the rules applying to cards.

The point I'm making is that there's a difference between "active PROTECTED card" i.e "PROTECTED card which is also an active card" i.e. "card with a PROTECTED icon which is not ignored and where the card is also an active card" and "PROTECTED card" i.e "PROTECTED card which may or may not be an active card", i.e. "card with a PROTECTED icon which is not ignored and where the card may or may not also be an an active card".

If you like, in software terms, interpret "active PROTECTED card" as "active (PROTECTED card)". [If that didn't help, ignore it.]

well, yet another tiny little extra ruling that we can add to the huge pile of extra rules that already exist.

Name three. (Excluding "shields are icons", that is accepted as an extra ruling.)

Most of what people think are "extra rules" are actually cases that you can get to if you read the rules and apply some logic. The FAQ answers attempt to give that logic, if not always successfully. I'm not aware of any with arbitrary answers (though I will admit the logic is tricky in some cases, and has to go "outside the game" in a few others - by which I mean answers based on assumptions such as that there must be an answer).

[quote]I'm wondering if it wouldn't be much more simple to add an "active" to Mad Mike Magpie, so it would be more uniform...[quote]

Changing cards is never simple, always a last resort, which thankfully we are not at.

And incidentally, I suspect I'll be waiting for a long time for a report of MMM versus a player with Razor-Mind who wants to REPLACE a PROTECTED card. Rout Retainers and Merkarthas is a little less unlikely, but still going to be a rarity (anyone had it yet?)

 Geschlecht:Männlich  OfflinePersönliche Galerie von DearloveBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht sendenE-Mail sendenWebsite dieses Benutzers besuchen
Blue Moon Emperor****
Blue Moon Emperor****

Anmeldungsdatum: 13.04.2004
Beiträge: 1211

BeitragVerfasst: Di 27 Sep, 2005 15:06  Titel:  (Kein Titel) Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

Dearlove hat folgendes geschrieben:
If you like, in software terms, interpret "active PROTECTED card" as "active (PROTECTED card)".

Well although I don't know a thing about software terms, I do understand what you wanne say.

And I see that there would have been a problem with Rout Retainers if you would have said
"a PROTECTED/FREE card" is "a card that uses the effect of his PROTECTED/FREE icon"
(which would then have prohibited to replace a card with a PROTECTED icon when MMM is in play)
instead of "a card with a PROTECTED/FREE icon which is not ignored",
because cards with a FREE icon do use their effect only at the moment when you're playing them out of your hand,
and therefor Rout Retainers would have been completely useless.

Rout Retainers would then have needed another special power text:
"Now I may discard all your active cards with a printed FREE icon."

oh well...
I still don't like the way it's played now... Wink

 Geschlecht:Männlich  VerstecktPersönliche Galerie von RedamikanasBenutzer-Profile anzeigenPrivate Nachricht senden
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