Alter: 58
Anmeldungsdatum: 19.01.2006
Beiträge: 11
Wohnort: Tri-Cities, WA
Thanks for welcome Lachwurzn! I've been reading the FAQs already and it's been very helpful. My biggest problem I have is I read more into the rules or instructions than I should. I just have to realize that some things are just that simple ya know?! Drives me nuts sometimes
As you probably have already realized by now, there is an extensive english-language version of the FAQs about the rules available.
Just to make it clear, the German and English FAQs are mostly independent. I say mostly as any questions there's any doubt on get discussed by Sebastian Rapp at Kosmos, me, and if necessary Reiner Knizia et. al. I try to check that anything in the German FAQ appears in the English FAQ (any German speakers who spot something I've missed please drop me a line) but the English wording, organisation etc. is all mine (except for where we venture into commercial sensitivity about future products).
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