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Gott der Kreativität
Gott der Kreativität

Alter: 45
Anmeldungsdatum: 21.11.2004
Beiträge: 3818
Wohnort: Nähe Altötting
BeitragVerfasst: Fr 03 Feb, 2006 21:30  Titel:  The Azuth - Now also available in english Antworten mit ZitatNach untenNach oben

The Azuth are a guild of magicians which was founded by the first magician of Blue Moon called "Azuth". The task of the guild is to preserve the balance within the world of Blue Moon. To stress this out members of all peoples join the guild.
At the beginning the guild regarded the fights for the succession of the throne critically. As these fights turned into a big war lateron it decided to interfere.
But since the involvements and power struggles were already too advanced the 15 teachers of the 3 schools decided to interfere personally in order to bring those battles to a quick end.
The 3 schools are the following:

Arcanism: Arcanists are typical bookworms who sit in a dusty room and use mighty spells.

Shamanism: Shamans rely on the help of guardian spirits - so called LOA -, who support them in battle. Furthermore they have the ability to summon supporting creatures for battle.

Voudoun: These magicians are best compared to witches of voodoo. They specialize in enchanting artifacts and using curses to drive their enemies mad.


  • There are 4 different kinds of cards: cards of arcanism, of shamanism, of voudoun and school-independent cards.
  • Schools aren't gangs. The different schools practically form 3 independent sets of cards. Non-character cards of a school are only in effect if a character of the same school is active. Otherwise they are just cards without function.
  • The symbols representing a school aren't icons in the sense of the game rules. They just indicate the school the card belongs to. That means that no card can be ignored because of a school symbol.
  • All your active Characters decide which school(s) is/are active.
  • Cards of inactive schools may not be played unless a special function explicitly allows it.
  • Since independent cards aren't tied to a specific school they aren't affected by which characters are currently active and may be played anytime.
  • If a player has active cards of any school present and plays a character of another school at the beginning of the new turn, the formerly played cards remain active but their values, symbols, and special function texts are ignored by both players. They just count against the number of active cards.
  • If a character of the corresponding school becomes activ later on, the effects of these cards are considered again.
  • A LOA (influence card) is treated as a hyla card without being one. Thus a played LOA card discards an active hyla card and vice versa.
  • An ARTIFACT (achievement card) is treated as a crystal card without being one. Thus a played ARTIFACT may discard an active crystal card and vice versa.

The 31 cards marked with 'iA' are used for the basic rules. The 3 additional cards marked with 'iX' will be used when playing with the emissiaries. For the advanced rules (with or without inquisitors), all cards can be used.


If you want to download an archive with all cards: CLICK HERE

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish that man would go away
"Bildung bedeutet nicht einen Eimer zu füllen, sondern ein Feuer zu entfachen."

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