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Blue Moon Fan
Anmeldungsdatum: 25.10.2004
Beiträge: 6
I just got the game recently and only have the 2 basic decks so far. I have the others on order but am so far really enjoying just playing with the standard decks.
How many people go on to do constructed decks? Is this something that most people switch to exclusively? Does playing with the standard decks get old eventually?
Anybody want to share some good constructed decks so I can get some ideas?
Gott der Signaturen
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.07.2004
Beiträge: 4055
Wohnort: Wien
> How many people go on to do constructed decks? Is this something that most people switch to exclusively? Does playing with the standard decks get old eventually?
Yes. It starts "getting old" as soon as you get your hands on a third deck and you will from then on only play with constructed decks. Trust me...
Gott der Rechtschreibung
Alter: 49
Anmeldungsdatum: 26.07.2004
Beiträge: 4752
Wohnort: Krefeld
I don't agree with Lachwurzn, it maybe intresting to play with basicdecks, even if you're and expirienced Player. But it's right, playing with constructed Decks is very intresting. Also its intresting to construct the Deck.
I'll translate my Decks if i get the Time to to it, so we can share it.
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Gott der extremen Themenrelevanz
Alter: 57
Anmeldungsdatum: 16.03.2004
Beiträge: 2155
Wohnort: Oldenburg (Oldb)
Hi cap,
This is a translation of an article I wrote for the german section on vulca-deck-construction. You get a vulca-deck out of it which is powerful also in the element earth with some options to specify your deck if you know your opponent’s people, as was the case in the BlueMonnOnlineLiga, 2. season. The names of the cards are in german cause I don’t have an english version of the game, but the numbers should give you the needed information. It’s a kind of “Do it Yourself”-programm to get various, slighlty modified decks, and it should give you an idea of how to create decks.
Fixed Cards (23, take all of them)
V01 Flammar Char 7/0
V02 Blizzar Char 6/3
V03 Sengar Char 6/0
V04 Lavar Char 5/4
V05 Volca Char 5/1
V06 Magma Char 4/3
V07 Glutar Char 3/4
V14 Asha Char 2/2 remove booster or support card
V15 Flacka Char 2/2 additional carddraw
V16 Zundar Char 1/1 only char with extra function
V19 Höllenrüstung S 0/0 shield earth
V20 Urgewaltiger Zauber S increases strength to 6
V21 Vulkanhandschuhe S doubles fire
V22 Titanhandschuhe S doubles earth
V23 Blitzschläge B 3/1
V24 Feuerzauber B 1/1 no leadership-cards
V26 Feuerwall B opponent can’t draw
V27 Geisterbilder B one more dragon on retreat
V28 Dunkler Meister LS take back active card
V29 Feuersbrunst LS remove opponent’s support card
V30 Bezauberung LS dragon for 8 fire
Mut101 Den-bal-Ton Char 8/8 needed for LS V30
Mut106 Zig-nur-Don Char 4/0 needed against earth
Chars with high earth values (choose 1-3) plus one support or booster card (2-4 cards, 2-7 moons)
T02 Romban Char 2M 3/6
T03 Suronam Char 2M 0/6
T05 Catusan Char 1M 1/5
M04 Jungfrau Erde Char 2M 1/6 symbol means disandvantage (Mad Mike)
M08 Bewahrerin Licht Char 1M 2/5 symbol means disadvantage (Mad Mike)
F03 Kralle Char 1M 2/4 take back
T20 Erdbohrer S 2M 1/3
H24 Geschosse S 2M 1/2 take back
H22 Schleuder S 1M 1/2
H19 Bumerang B 2M 2/2 take back
A20 Erdwasser B 2M strength in earth 7
Choose one or two cards for additional carddraw (1-2 cards, 1-6 moons)
H15 Ketharkopas Char 2M 2/2 draw until 9 cards
H27 Sammle LS 4M take 5 cards
M19 Schamane künft. Held. Char 1M 2/2 take 3, give 2
Choose 1 or 2 specific Flit-Chars with take-back-symbol (1-2 cards, 1-3 moons)
F06 Pluster Char 1M 2/2 against Khind, Mimix
F07 Zirper Char 2M 2/2 always good
F08 Zwitscher Char 1M 2/2 against Hoax, Terrah, Vulca
F09 Triller Char 1M 2/2 against Flit, Vulca
F10 Plärrer Char 1M 2/2 against Mimix, Khind, Flit
Fill up your deck with more specific anti-cards (0-3 cards, 0-5 moons)
A30 Ertränke LS 2M remove active cards, against Khind,Mimix,Flit
P17 Erdaushöhler B 2M throw away cards with 3 earth, against Vulca
T25 Morast S 1M no higher than 4, against Vulca,Terrah,Mimix
T26 Nebel S 2M ignores symbols, against Khind, Flit, Mimix
T27 Treibsand S 2M only 4 cards, especially good against Flit
K26 Höllenlärm S 2M no support cards, against Hoax
F13 Mad Mike Char 2M 0/0 ignores symbols, against Khind, Mimix
H17 Sarogakanas Char 1M 1/1 take cards from your opponent (always good)
T15 Bashdin Char 1M 1/2 opp. must throw away 2 cards (always good)
P13 Cardus Nikkus Char 1M 2/2 take card from your opp. (always good)
If you don’t reach 30 cards because you have no more moons left, you can fill up your deck with Kratar (V09 Char 2/4), Etnar (V08 Char 4/2) or Feuerstoss (V18 V 3/2), in this order.You should have at least 17 chars, better 18. Card-draw and take-back-Chars (Flits) are essential to guarantee you always enough chars on your hand.
Hope, I could be useful. As you see, for deck-construction you should be able to use all the other people.
Greetings, trumpetfish
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Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
trumpetfish hat folgendes geschrieben: |
The names of the cards are in german cause I don’t have an english version of the game
Should you want the English names of the cards, you can look at and click on each people set and look at the list down the right hand side. The other way round (if you have the English cards but want the German names), use As an alternative to the first, there's a spreadsheet linked from the BoardGameGeek page.
Gott der Signaturen
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.07.2004
Beiträge: 4055
Wohnort: Wien
Dearlove, are there any specific "basic rules" for the naming conventions of the cards (i.e. card title) ? There is certainly some schema behind it, but I have not been able to identify any general rule. It seems to me that it's arher the case that each people set follows its own rules ?
Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
Lachwurzn hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Dearlove, are there any specific "basic rules" for the naming conventions of the cards (i.e. card title) ? There is certainly some schema behind it, but I have not been able to identify any general rule. It seems to me that it's arher the case that each people set follows its own rules ?
Basically the rule is whatever Reiner, Kosmos etc. are happy with. And yes, that does mean 8 (9 with mutants) different naming patterns. (You've seen at one Pillar and one Aqua character, so I'm not really telling you anything new there.) This is obviously to give each people its own "flavour". In fact (unpulished snippet here) the last major name change was a wholesale renaming of the Hoax, presumably (I was out of the loop on this one) as their old names (no, not telling) weren't distinctive enough. Incidentally my favourite set of names (of all 8) is the Mimix.
Now what I don't know is the logic of the translations into German (I'm reasonably sure this is the direction, though there may be feedback - if you want evidence, look at Magma - if translating from German, why change it?). Many are straightforward, but how does Summon Sorceror become the more specific Rufe den Dunklen Meister? I could ask, but I don't think it important enough to do so right now.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Dearlove am Do 18 Nov, 2004 20:21, insgesamt 2-mal bearbeitet
Gott der Signaturen
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.07.2004
Beiträge: 4055
Wohnort: Wien
Zitat: |
Now what I don't know is the logic of the translations into German (I'm reasonably sure this is the direction, though there may be feedback - if you want evidence, look at Magma - if translating from German, why change it?). |
Wait a moment... does that mean that most cards were "texted" in English and THEN translated into German ? Up to now, I was under the impression that it was the other way around.
Anyway, I'm definitely with you that the Mimix have the best "names" whereas the Khind are considered to be (at least in the German version) too crazy/childish (even if this was intentional - most people don't get the humor here) and I have heard from quite many people that they don't like to play with the Khind simply because of this. Isn't it funny how much such a little detail can influence people's opinions ?
Pesonally, I consider the Hoax to be the best from an illustration point of view with an additional bonus of good card names.
Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
Lachwurzn hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Wait a moment... does that mean that most cards were "texted" in English and THEN translated into German ? Up to now, I was under the impression that it was the other way around.
I can definitely confirm that some cards which were hammered into shape in playtesting were definitely done in English. And much work was done (not by me - see the special credits in the rulebook) on the text by native English speakers, although with considerably more German than me. Reiner of course isn't an argument either way, he's effectively bilingual. So I'm not saying for sure that everything was English first, but it certainly wasn't all German first. I may ask for details some time. If I do I'll let you know.
Lachwurzn hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Anyway, I'm definitely with you that the Mimix have the best "names" whereas the Khind are considered to be (at least in the German version) too crazy/childish (even if this was intentional - most people don't get the humor here) and I have heard from quite many people that they don't like to play with the Khind simply because of this. Isn't it funny how much such a little detail can influence people's opinions ?
I've never seen the Khind in English as childish. OK, TopBanana is colloquial, and a couple of others approach it. From that point of view the one Pillar character we have Cardus Nikkus is a weak joke in English (to "nick" is slang for to steal, and card you must know) - does that carry over at all into German (where I see the card has the same name).
Lachwurzn hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Pesonally, I consider the Hoax to be the best from an illustration point of view with an additional bonus of good card names.
Gott der Signaturen
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.07.2004
Beiträge: 4055
Wohnort: Wien
As a final statement about the illustration topic... we had a voting within the German language version of the forum this summer and the result of preferences from an illustration point of view was was pretty clear:
Vulca: 8%
Hoax: 40%
Mimix: 44%
Flit: 0%
Terrah: 4%
Khind: 4%
Of course, this was not a representative amount of thousands of people, but there is a clear trend and I would believe that this would be pretty much language-independent...
Gott der Signaturen
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.07.2004
Beiträge: 4055
Wohnort: Wien
Zitat: |
From that point of view the one Pillar character we have Cardus Nikkus is a weak joke in English (to "nick" is slang for to steal, and card you must know) - does that carry over at all into German (where I see the card has the same name). |
Cardus Nikkus has the same name in German. As we don't know about any other character names of the Pillar yet (the other ones are booster cards), it's hard to guess for us what the general naming convention for Pillar character cards will be. It might have to do with Latin.
Having to "nick" carry over into German really perfectly might be hard, but there are quite a number of words for that available: "rauben", "klauen", "mausen", "mopsen", "stibitzen", "ergaunern",...
Göttin der Rache
Alter: 39
Anmeldungsdatum: 20.01.2005
Beiträge: 5546
Wohnort: das eisige Fegefeuer
Zitat: |
As a final statement about the illustration topic... we had a voting within the German language version of the forum this summer and the result of preferences from an illustration point of view was was pretty clear:
Vulca: 8%
Hoax: 40%
Mimix: 44%
Flit: 0%
Terrah: 4%
Khind: 4%
Well, I think the Mimix-ladies got 44% and won the vote because we have ~95% (?) male members here... I wonder what good showing the Daria had made! :-"
_________________ The gaze like death what you behold
Greyscale reflection, perfection so cold
Flawless shell of man is starting to break
And leave the inside for demons to take
Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein
102% then? *gg
We should re-do that voting after the Pillar then.
I would vote for Hoax. I love that style of illustration.
_________________ Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!
Gott der Signaturen
Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.07.2004
Beiträge: 4055
Wohnort: Wien
Revenge hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Well, I think the Mimix-ladies got 44% and won the vote because we have ~95% (?) male members here... I wonder what good showing the Daria had made! :-" |
I agree with Ruwi.
Seriously, I don't think that the unofficial fan cards can keep up at all with the official cards as far as illustration is concerned. And if we consider the unofficial cards in their own "minor" league I would rank them as follows (and I guess I have a pretty good overview on how much effort was put into illustrating them respectively):
1. Rhul
2. Wyrm
3. Daria
4. Ghonzo
5. TheRoon
Göttin der Rache
Alter: 39
Anmeldungsdatum: 20.01.2005
Beiträge: 5546
Wohnort: das eisige Fegefeuer
My inofficial ranking:
1. Wyrm (nearly 2)
2. Rhul (nearly 1)
3. Daria
4. Ghonzo
5. ThaRoon
Unfortunately the Azuth are still in progress.
_________________ The gaze like death what you behold
Greyscale reflection, perfection so cold
Flawless shell of man is starting to break
And leave the inside for demons to take