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Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
From Sebastian Rapp from Kosmos.
The set "Emissaries & Inquisitors" is not another people set. This set provides many new possibilities both for the play with the preassembled playing decks and for the Avanced Rules. You cannot play "Emissaries & Inquisitors" on its own against any of the peoples sets. But you may integrate those cards into any people set, thus allowing you to start playing immediately - even if you own only the basic game.
Also there's the first preview card from Emissaries and Inquisitors, go to http://www.blue-moon-games.com/de/news.html and click on hier under 24.01.2005 (which also has the text above in German).
The key information is
I must discard one character card from my hand to play this card.
For those who wonder, yes, there will be a rule clarifying what "I must" means.
Gott der extremen Themenrelevanz
Alter: 57
Anmeldungsdatum: 16.03.2004
Beiträge: 2155
Wohnort: Oldenburg (Oldb)
Sure, this is interesting. What happens if my special functions are ignored? Do I have to discard one character or not when playing HukHuk? This needs further explanation, I guess?
Greetings, trumpetfish
_________________ Strategien mit Buka im Blue Moon WIKI!
Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
trumpetfish hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Sure, this is interesting. What happens if my special functions are ignored? Do I have to discard one character or not when playing HukHuk? This needs further explanation, I guess?
See the last line of my message.
Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
Another one today (now two Pillar and two E&I cards) at
This one is mutant Man-shu-Ran, with text
I may only play this card if you have an active FREE card. The contested element of the fight changes between Fire and Earth.
Blue Moon Playtester
Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258
Beyond new cards and new card types (we showed one of them last week), there will be a reunion with the already well known people. The people will be completed (it was obvious that there will be some missing cards of each people, even after the release of all people sets), but that's not all. There will be also an extra extension to each people. You will find out more next week!
Gott der extremen Themenrelevanz
Alter: 57
Anmeldungsdatum: 16.03.2004
Beiträge: 2155
Wohnort: Oldenburg (Oldb)
I hope there will be new leaders which are playable in addition to the already existing leaders of the eight people.And I hope there will be eight of them, each one playable with each of the already existing leaders for more combinations. So one can have a Hoax-Tutu deck for example, as well as a Vulca-Tutu deck.
greetings, trumpetfish
_________________ Strategien mit Buka im Blue Moon WIKI!
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