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Gott der eindeutigen Zweideutigkeit

Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.11.2004
Beiträge: 3642
Wohnort: Niederrhein

In einem Thread des englischsprachigen Forumsteils stieß ich auf diese für mich sehr interessante Aussage von Dearlove:
Dearlove hat folgendes geschrieben: |
The connection between Raupe and Pillar really needs to go via English (caterpillar as we all know). I haven't studied the German to see what other wordplay doesn't translate (other Pillar cards for example). |
Er erwähnt darin ein beabsichtigtes Wortspiel zwischen dem Völkernamen "Pillar" und der englischen Bezeichnung für Raupen "Caterpillar".
Das ist mir bisher nie aufgefallen, obwohl es offensichtlich ist.
Und er erwähnt, dass es weitere derartige Wortspiele gäbe, die möglicherweise auch nicht ins Deutsche übersetzbar waren.
Fallen Euch welche auf? Hier die aktuelle Kartenliste mit den jeweiligen Namen auf Deutsch|Englisch.
vulca00 Inferno - Erhabener Meistermagier der Vulca | Inferno - Mage Incandescent of the Vulca
vulca01 Flammar der Blendende | Flamebreath the Dazzling
vulca02 Blizzar der Brandstifter | Flash the Incendiary
vulca03 Sengar der Glutvolle | Scorch the Inflammable
vulca04 Lavar der Mächtige | Lavar the Powerful
vulca05 Volca |
vulca06 Magma | Blaze
vulca07 Glutar | Furnace
vulca08 Etnar | Spark
vulca09 Kratar | Ignite
vulca10 Brandar | Sear
vulca11 Kandar | Torch
vulca12 Shimmar | Shimmer
vulca13 Glimma | Glimmer
vulca14 Asha | Cinder
vulca15 Flacka | Flare
vulca16 Zundar | Ember
vulca17 Erupta |
vulca18 Feuerstoß | Fireblast
vulca19 Höllenrüstung | Infernal Armor
vulca20 Urgewaltiger Zauber | Elemental Enchantment
vulca21 Vulkanhandschuhe | Volcanic Gauntlets
vulca22 Titanhandschuhe | Titanic Gauntlets
vulca23 Blitzschläge | Lightning Bolts
vulca24 Feuerzauber | Flickering Fires
vulca25 Hitzeschleier | Heat Haze
vulca26 Feuerwall | Wall of Fire
vulca27 Geisterbilder | Fearsome Spirits
vulca28 Rufe den Dunklen Meister | Summon Sorceror
vulca29 Bezaubere den Heiligen Drachen | Charm Holy Dragon
vulca30 Beschwöre die Feuersbrunst | Cast Cataclysm
vulca31 Entflamme den Mutanten | Inflame Mutant
vulca32 Auserwählte des Feuers | Chosen of Fire
hoax00 Xelethotiras - Trickreiches Genie der Hoax | Xelethotiras - Genius of the Hoax
hoax01 Wogarathoras der Düstere | Wogarathoras the Gloomy
hoax02 Athradysas der Suchende | Athradysas the Seeker
hoax03 Ledinemras der Mönch | Ledinemras the Monk
hoax04 Zedemikras das Gehirn | Zedemikras the Brain
hoax05 Ciklarethas der Mürrische | Ciklarethas the Bitter
hoax06 Nirwadas der Reisende | Nirwadas the Traveler
hoax07 Penemikanas der Paranoide | Penemikanas the Paranoid
hoax08 Vetraskedas der Skeptiker | Vetraskedas the Sceptic
hoax09 Helkomedes der Redner | Helkomedes the Rhetorician
hoax10 Redamikanas der Kartograph | Redamikanas the Cartographer
hoax11 Bethenitana die Erzählerin | Bethenitana the Storyteller
hoax12 Demegodas der Kauz | Demegodas the Odd
hoax13 Thirkomedas der Heitere | Thirkomedas the Serene
hoax14 Genathones der Blinde | Genathones the Blind
hoax15 Ketharkopas der Astronom | Ketharkopas the Astronomer
hoax16 Mekarthas der Scharfsinnige | Mekarthas the Shrewd
hoax17 Sarogakanas der Uralte | Sarogakanas the Ancient
hoax18 Undurchdringliche Rüstung | Inscrutable Armor
hoax19 Kämpfender Bumerang | Battling Boomerang
hoax20 Buch der Weisheit | Tome of Wisdom
hoax21 Kriegsmaschine der Angst | Trebuchet of Fear
hoax22 Schleuder der Verwirrung | Ballista of Confusion
hoax23 Pulsierende Schockwelle | Pulsating Shockwave
hoax24 Zielsuchende Geschosse | Homing Missiles
hoax25 Trickreicher Stärkedoppler | Duplicator of Strength
hoax26 Tückischer Gedankenblocker | Brain Drain
hoax27 Sammle neue Anhänger | Muster Reinforcements
hoax28 Banne den Gegner | Enthrall Opposition
hoax29 Entfache den Gedankensturm | Trigger Brainstorm
hoax30 Vertreibe die Gefolgsleute | Rout Retainers
hoax31 Beeinflusse den Heiligen Drachen | Sway Holy Dragon
hoax32 Auserwählter des Geistes | Chosen of Thought
mimix00 Blaue Aura - Große geistige Herrin der Mimix | Blue Radiance - Great Spirit Mistress of the Mimix
mimix01 Wächterin der Zeit | Guardian of Time
mimix02 Wächterin des Raumes | Guardian of Space
mimix03 Jungfrau des Reinen Feuers | Virgin of Pure Fire
mimix04 Jungfrau der Reinen Erde | Virgin of Pure Earth
mimix05 Heldin der Hohen Flammen | Heroine of the High Flames
mimix06 Heldin der Großen Ebenen | Heroine of the Great Plains
mimix07 Bewahrerin der Nacht | Spirit of the Night
mimix08 Bewahrerin des Lichts | Spirit of the Light
mimix09 Amazone der Hohen Sprünge | Amazon Leaping High
mimix10 Amazone der Weiten Sprünge | Amazon Leaping Far
mimix11 Tänzerin der Morgenröte | Dancer of Dawn
mimix12 Tänzerin der Abenddämmerung | Dancer of Dusk
mimix13 Hüterin der Gazelle | Wild Gazelle
mimix14 Hüterin der Antilope | Wild Antelope
mimix15 Hüterin des Einhorns | Wild Unicorn
mimix16 Junge Bärin | Young Bear
mimix17 Junge Füchsin | Young Fox
mimix18 Schamane des Heiligen Opfers | Shaman of the Holy Sacrifice
mimix19 Schamane der künftigen Heldentaten | Shaman of the Deeds to Come
mimix20 Schamane des Hier und Jetzt | Shaman of the Here and Now
mimix21 Schamane des Lebens nach dem Tod | Shaman of the Afterlife
mimix22 Untergehende Sonne | Sun Setting
mimix23 Aufgehender Mond | Moon Rising
mimix24 Leuchtender Stern | Stars Shining
mimix25 Glühender Pfeilhagel | Hail of Arrows
mimix26 Wirbelndes Kriegsbeil | Whirling Hatchet
mimix27 Bedrohlicher Kriegstanz | Menacing Wardance
mimix28 Hypnotisierendes Gerassel | Hypnotic Rattle
mimix29 Brennende Raserei | Fearsome Chant
mimix30 Rufe den Geist des Schlachtfeldes | Call Spirit of the Battlefield
mimix31 Rufe den Geist der Unterwelt | Call Spirit of the Underworld
mimix32 Auserwählte der Natur | Chosen of Nature
flit00 Falk - Tollkühner Befehlshaber der Flit | Falc - Flit Commander
flit01 Geschwaderführer Säbelfeder | Wing Commander Razorfeather
flit02 Staffelführer Schwinge | Squadron Leader Squeak
flit03 Rottenführer Kralle | Flight Leader Squawk
flit04 Flatter | Peckswift
flit05 Gleiter | Steepstoop
flit06 Pluster | Highchirp
flit07 Zirper | Tittertweet
flit08 Zwitscher | Flitterflutter
flit09 Triller | Trillilling
flit10 Plärrer | Cheepchirrup
flit11 Kami Kaze | Carl Kamikaze Crow
flit12 Hacker Hank | Hank Highflyer Hawk
flit13 Mad Mike | Mad Mike Magpie
flit14 Stolzhaupt Phönix | Proud Phoenix Phil
flit15 Abwurf Gluterde | Launch Burning Earth
flit16 Abwurf Feuerregen | Launch Rain of Fire
flit17 Abwurf Heuschreckenschwarm | Launch Locust Paratroopers
flit18 Abwurf Brandfackeln | Launch Dazzling Flares
flit19 Abwurf Siedeöl | Launch Boiling Oil
flit20 Abwurf Eishagel | Launch Hail of Doom
flit21 Abwurf Kakerlaken | Launch Creepy Cockroaches
flit22 Abwurf Feuerblitze | Launch Fire Flash
flit23 Abwurf Felsbrocken | Launch Rockdrop
flit24 Abwurf Flammenstaub | Launch Flaming Dust
flit25 Abwurf Schleimsuppe | Launch Slippery Slime
flit26 Abwurf Juckkäfer | Launch Itching Bugs
flit27 Abwurf Faulgas | Launch Sloth Gas
flit28 Nervtötendes Gezwitscher | Chitter Chatter
flit29 Verwirre den Heiligen Drachen | Distract Holy Dragon
flit30 Täusche den Heiligen Drachen | Beguile Holy Dragon
flit31 Starte Großangriff | Commence Mega Launch
flit32 Auserwählter der Lüfte | Chosen of Air
khind00 Pit Pan - Draufgängerischer Käpt'n der Khind | PitPan - Captain Khind
khind01 Cool Cat | CoolCat
khind02 Cool Cop | CoolCop
khind03 Cool Kid | CoolKid
khind04 Cool Cub | CoolCub
khind05 Top Gun | TopGun
khind06 Top Dog | TopDog
khind07 Top Star | TopNotch
khind08 Top Banana | TopBanana
khind09 Top Shot | TopShot
khind10 Fun Fair | FunFair
khind11 Fun Flop | FunFlop
khind12 Fun Flap | FunFlap
khind13 Fun Flip | FunFlip
khind14 Fun Fun | FunFun
khind15 Null Null | NoNo
khind16 Null Diät | NoStopping
khind17 Null Stil | NoStyle
khind18 Null Hirn | NoBrains
khind19 Null Bock | NoProblem
khind20 Null Ahnung | NoClue
khind21 Null Chance | NoClass
khind22 Null Respekt | NoRespect
khind23 KhindKin |
khind24 Schleuder der Bestürzung | Sling of Dismay
khind25 Klebriger Staub | Gluing Dust
khind26 Höllenlärm | Pandemonium
khind27 Lachgas | Laughing Gas
khind28 Khind-Brüderschaft | Oath of Khindship
khind29 Pfeif das Lied der Freundschaft | Blow Whistle of Friendship
khind30 Öffne die Wundertüte des Lebens | Open Lucky Bag of Life
khind31 Lass' die Fäuste tanzen | Bounce Back
khind32 Auserwählte der Jugend | Chosen of Affinity
terrah00 Tekton Erdbeber - Gewaltiger Mega-Terrah | Tecton Earthquaker - Mega Terrah
terrah01 Megalit Bergerschütterer | Megalit Mountainshaker
terrah02 Romban Felsenmeister | Roomban Rockmaster
terrah03 Suranom Sturmbringer | Suranom Stormbringer
terrah04 Gravitos Kraftstrotzer | Gravitos Greatpower
terrah05 Catusan |
terrah06 Flamitos |
terrah07 Terraton |
terrah08 Helitos |
terrah09 Sonatos |
terrah10 Rocara |
terrah11 Torana |
terrah12 Ferro Fos |
terrah13 Kabu Kat |
terrah14 Baku But |
terrah15 Bashdin |
terrah16 Korono Kos | Corono Cos
terrah17 Silento Sol |
terrah18 Erdrutsch | Earthblast
terrah19 Erdbeben | Earthtremor
terrah20 Unaufhaltsamer Erdbohrer | Seismic Drill
terrah21 Krachender Gewittersturm | Crashing Thunder Storm
terrah22 Wirbelnder Schneesturm | Swirling Snow Storm
terrah23 Peitschender Sandsturm | Lashing Sand Storm
terrah24 Mitreißender Regensturm | Drowning Rain Storm
terrah25 Stinkender Morast | Cloying Mud
terrah26 Undurchdringlicher Nebel | Impenetrable Fog
terrah27 Undurchquerbarer Treibsand | Quivering Quicksand
terrah28 Boshaftes Auge | Evil Eye
terrah29 Erzeuge ein Erdbeben | Provoke Earthquake
terrah30 Imponiere dem Heiligen Drachen | Impress Holy Dragon
terrah31 Beschwöre einen Taifun | Raise Typhoon
terrah32 Auserwählter der Erde | Chosen of Earth
pillar00 Fucius Con - Seelenwandler, Erster der Pillar | Fucius Con - Pillar Principaris
pillar01 Primus Magicus |
pillar02 Devius Maximus |
pillar03 Colossus Gigantus |
pillar04 Grossus Musculus | Bigus Musselus
pillar05 Smartia Pantia |
pillar06 Rasantus Unnoeticus | Speedius Unneccessarius
pillar07 Lonus Maechticus | Lonus Mightius
pillar08 Halitosus Teriblus |
pillar09 Bodius Maloderus |
pillar10 Introvertus Completus |
pillar11 Gulpus Permanentus |
pillar12 Gloria Gracia |
pillar13 Cardus Nikkus |
pillar14 Crysalus Frendus |
pillar15 Kalebassus Leerus | Bottelus Emptius
pillar16 Feuerfresser-Raupe | Caterpillar Fireeater
pillar17 Erdaushöhler-Raupe | Caterpillar Eartheroder
pillar18 Wasserzähmer-Raupe | Caterpillar Watertamer
pillar19 Lichtsucher-Raupe | Caterpillar Lightseeker
pillar20 Monduntergangs-Raupe | Caterpillar Moondoom
pillar21 Trunk der kosmischen Kraft | Potion of Cosmic Power
pillar22 Trunk der Vereinigung | Potion of Conjoining
pillar23 Trunk der Verwandlung | Potion of Mutation
pillar24 Trunk des Feuers | Potion of Sparkling Fire
pillar25 Trunk der Erde | Potion of Trembling Earth
pillar26 Trunk der Leidenschaft | Potion of Prodigious Passion
pillar27 Späher-Falter | Butterfly Scout
pillar28 Riesenfalter Abendrot | Giant Butterfly Eveningbreeze
pillar29 Riesenfalter Morgenwind | Giant Butterfly Morningwind
pillar30 Entsende den Aufklärer-Falter | Deploy Butterfly
pillar31 Versuche den Heiligen Drachen | Tempt Holy Dragon
pillar32 Auserwählter der Weite | Chosen of Discovery
aqua00 Aqua-Alpha-Alpha - Erhabene Aqua Suprema | Aqua-Alpha-Alpha - Aquatica Suprema
aqua01 Elena-Aqua-Prima-Alpha | Eelena-Aqua-Prima-Alpha
aqua02 Riesenoktopus | Giant Octopus
aqua03 Schreckenskrake | Terrible Kraken
aqua04 Aaralia-Aqua Secunda |
aqua05 Gewaltiger Zitteraal | Electric Eel
aqua06 Verfressener Monsterfisch | Briny Behemoth
aqua07 Uurunia-Aqua-Terz |
aqua08 Iisilia-Aqua-Terz |
aqua09 Gefräßiger Seetang | Kelp Leech
aqua10 Gigantisches Krustentier | Colossal Crustacean
aqua11 Oomola-Aqua-Delta |
aqua12 Yang |
aqua13 Yin |
aqua14 Oosa-Aqua-Epsilon |
aqua15 Uusa-Alpha-Omega |
aqua16 Tosende Wasserhose | Sudden Waterspout
aqua17 Unentrinnbarer Sog | Instant Undertow
aqua18 Wasserrüstung | Aquatic Armor
aqua19 Feuerwasser | Firewater
aqua20 Erdwasser | Earthwater
aqua21 Brennender Sumpf | Fire Swamp
aqua22 Gefahrvoller Modder | Perilous Marsh
aqua23 Hungrige Sumpflurche | Ravenous Razorjaw
aqua24 Schwärmende Seeschlangen | Swarming Sea Serpents
aqua25 Reißende Sturzflut | Torrential Flood
aqua26 Gewaltige Gezeitenflut | Tidal Flood
aqua27 Wasser der Verbindung | Water of Conjoining
aqua28 Unwiderstehliche Sirenen | Irresistible Sirens
aqua29 Weihe das Wasser der Balance | Sprinkle Water of Tranquility
aqua30 Ertränke den Widerstand | Drown Resistance
aqua31 Trinke das Wasser des Lebens | Administer Water of Immortality
aqua32 Auserwählte des Wassers | Chosen of Water
mutant101 Mutant Den-bal-Ton |
mutant102 Mutant Sas-van-Son |
mutant103 Mutant Pen-dor-Nith |
mutant104 Mutant Neth-sur-Pot |
mutant105 Mutant Var-dis-Nar |
mutant106 Mutant Zig-nur-Don |
mutant107 Mutant Ras-mus-Pan |
mutant108 Mutant Chu-nan-Chi |
mutant109 Mutant Fel-nar-Gan |
mutant110 Mutant Man-shu-Ran |
ach201 Kristall - Likas Segnung | Crystal - Lika's Blessing
ach202 Kristall - Dorans Segnung | Crystal - Doran's Blessing
ach203 Kristall - Seshas Segnung | Crystal - Sesha's Blessing
inter401 Wie könnt Ihr es wagen! | How dare you!
inter402 Schande über Euch! | Shame on you!
inter403 Weg damit! | Away with this!
inter404 Genug jetzt! | Enough of this!
inter405 Euch werd' ich lehren! | Yes, you should be afraid!
inter406 Für wen haltet Ihr Euch! | Who do you think you are?
inter407 Das habe ich erwartet! | I saw that coming!
inq411 Donnerfaust - Königlicher Marschall | Swift-Fist - Royal Marshal
inq412 Argusauge - Königlicher Aufseher | Razor-Mind - Royal Inspector
inq413 Schmierpfote - Königliche Ministerin | Grease-Palm - Royal Minister
inq414 Schlangenzunge - Königliche Ratgeberin | Weave-Tongue - Royal Councilor
emis500 GaschGasch - Prinzessin der Tutu | GashGash - Princess of the Tutu
tutu501 Tutu ZischZisch | Tutu WhizWhiz
tutu502 Tutu KwikKwik | Tutu QuicQuic
tutu503 Tutu HukHuk | Tutu HugHug
tutu504 Tutu KorKor |
tutu505 Tutu RipRip |
tutu506 Tutu TukTuk | Tutu TucTuc
tutu507 Tutu PamPam |
tutu508 Tutu Vergiftete Pfeile | Tutu SnakePipe
emis600 Farquhar - Der Eine Hyla | Farquhar - The One Hyla
infl601 Hyla Thurus |
infl602 Hyla Tronknor |
infl603 Hyla Yaggi |
infl604 Hyla Piplox |
infl605 Hyla Hakbaad | Hyla Hagbaad
infl606 Hyla Astel |
infl607 Hyla Oktak | Hyla Octak
infl608 Hyla Rückkehr | Hyla Reappearance
emis700 Ri Cha - Kommodore der Buka | Ri Cha - Commodore of the Buka
emis800 Nekra-Khati - Wesir der Phar | Nekra-Khati - Vizier of the Phar
promo901 Geister - Wassergeister | Spirit - Water Spirit
promo902 Geister - Erdgeister | Spirit - Earth Spirit
reddragon Lika, Drache des Elements Feuer | Lika the Fire Dragon
greendragon Doran, Drache des Elements Erde | Doran the Earth Dragon
bluedragon Sesha, Drache des Elements Wasser | Sesha the Water Dragon
_________________ Gourmet-Tipp: Spinat schmeckt am besten, wenn man ihn kurz vor dem Verzehr durch ein saftiges Steak ersetzt!
Gott der Signaturen

Alter: 60
Anmeldungsdatum: 14.07.2004
Beiträge: 4055
Wohnort: Wien

Na ja...
"Scorch the inflammable" heißt eigentlich "Zünde den Feuergefährlichen an" und nicht "Sengar der Glutvolle".
"Fearsome Spirits" sind eigentlich die "Furchterregenden Geister" und nicht "Geisterbilder".
"Tome of Wisdom" ist eigentlich "Wälzer der Weisheit" und kein "Buch".
"Brain Drain" ist eigentlich "Gehirnabfluß" statt "Tückischer Gedankenblocker".
"Muster Reinforcements" ist "Versammle Verstärkungen" und hätte statt "Sammle neue Anhänger" wohl zu Mißverständnissen geführt.
Für mehr habe ich im Moment keine Zeit, aber es gibt sicher ein Dutzend davon....
Realität ist eine Illusion, die einzig und allein nach übermäßigem Alkoholgenuß entstehen kann.
Blue Moon Freak

Alter: 58
Anmeldungsdatum: 23.03.2004
Beiträge: 94
Wohnort: Augsburg

Das beste ist immer noch das englische Original bei Pillar: Botttelus Emptius. (Flasche leer; Bitte Reihenfolge beachten: Was erlauben Strunz !)
Ich glaube, die Übersetzung Kalebassus Leerus ist doch sehr schwach.
Sie auch hier die Erklärung der Kalebasse in Wikipedia:
Blue Moon Playtester

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258

Pardon me for posting in English in the German section, but I think anyone following this topic will know some English.
Some English language observations. Which translate?
Start with the peoples
Vulca - Latin origin, so I guess familiar. (This people were once the Vulcanists, but got shortened.)
Hoax - Is this a familiar English word to you? Is there a German equivalent?
Mimix - I guess this derives from mimic, but I don't know,
Flit - Is this a familiar English word. It doesn't exactly mean 'fly', but is related.
Khind - This I guess is the one place where German shows through. I suspect it derives from German Kind (which in English is only familiar through the loan word kindergarten) but also borrows the English kind.
Terrah - Latin again.
Pillar - This is where we came in.
Aqua - More Latin.
The Tutu, Buka and Phar I don't know about (does Phar come from 'far'?) but I have my strong suspicions (hinted at in the FAQ) about the origin of Hyla. You have to understand that (again as said in the FAQ) the natural English pronunciation would be Hila or Hiy-la, or as the words "high la". Anyone out there going to see if they can make the same guess I have. Final hint, it relates to the card behaviour. (Yes, I don't need to guess, I could ask, but where's the fun in that?)
For card names
Vulca - all pretty much fire-based names. Lavar I guess is lava with an extra r, the pronunciation is the same.
Hoax - if there's any meaning in the names before the "the"s, I don't see it.
Mimix - I like the Mimix names, my favourites. Evocative rather than wordplay however.
Flit - bit of onamatapoeia in names like Trillilling, and characters remind me of budgerigar names. But nothing exciting.
Khind - The gang names are English words of course. Most of the names, especially CoolCat, all the Tops (even TopBanana) FunFair and most of the Nos are English phrases. Kid means child (Kind) in slang incidentally.
Terrah - can't see where these come from generally. Megalit is I suppose from megalith and Gravitos from gravity.
Pillar - ah, the Pillar. "Cod" Latin is the term I would use. They feel like names out of a Carry On film, but actually to my surprise Carry On Cleo has hardly any such names. Life of Brian on the other hand has one exactly of this type, albeit a little ... cruder. All of the characters are pretty bad, but especially 08 and 09 and then probably 04, 05, 13 and 15. But I'm out of time to try to deconstruct them.
Aqua - the multi-part names make no more sense in English (apart from the Greek bit in some of them).
E&I. Well, I hope we all understand Farquhar. The inquisitor names are not meant to be complimentary (a couple are known phrases). Nothing else jumps out.
Hope some of that helps.
Gott des Hilfsbereitheid

Alter: 38
Anmeldungsdatum: 06.07.2004
Beiträge: 1799
Wohnort: Münster

Zitat: |
Pardon me for posting in English in the German section, but I think anyone following this topic will know some English. |
Zitat: |
does Phar come from 'far'? |
Another guess would be the short form of "pharao".
Zitat: |
Terrah - can't see where these come from generally. Megalit is I suppose from megalith and Gravitos from gravity. |
They seem to fit an overall greek style.
The name Tecton is mentioned in the Ilias, but I guess Reiner took it from "tectonic". (Though the greek origins of this word can also be found i.e. in architecture.)
Torana means 'to fly' in Aboriginal (found this on a website about an australian car named Torana), but this could be all just random coincidences, since Baku (from Baku But) is the Capital of Aserbaidschan (don't know the english word) and i'm quite sure one could find a lot of stuff like this, if you just search intensively enough.
Though i don't know the ways of Reiner's thinking...
Greetins Geirröd
Blue Moon Playtester

Anmeldungsdatum: 22.03.2004
Beiträge: 258

Geirröd hat folgendes geschrieben: |
Zitat: |
does Phar come from 'far'? |
Another guess would be the short form of "pharao". |
Much better, I should have thought of that. Usually spelled pharaoh in English for some reason.
Zitat: |
The name Tecton is mentioned in the Ilias, but I guess Reiner took it from "tectonic". |
Again, I missed that obvious derivation.
Incidentally the credit doesn't go entirely to Reiner, Kevin is a major contributor to this aspect of the game.
Gott des krassmatischen Charismas & more

Alter: 53
Anmeldungsdatum: 18.12.2004
Beiträge: 2318

I wonder, where the names of the mutants come from...
And there can be only one Highlander, of course!
Blue Moon Leader**

Anmeldungsdatum: 09.03.2004
Beiträge: 517
Wohnort: München

Hmm, aren't "Trebuchet" (of Fear) and "Ballista" (of Confusion) names? So, shouldn't they named Trebuchet and Ballista in german, too?
I don't like this "We translate now for little kids", which seems to be used on the cards... :-/
_________________ People are stupid.
- Wizard's First Rule
 ![Persönliche Galerie von [Tom] Persönliche Galerie von [Tom]](templates/fisubice/images/lang_german/icon_gallery.gif)    |
Gott des Hilfsbereitheid

Alter: 38
Anmeldungsdatum: 06.07.2004
Beiträge: 1799
Wohnort: Münster

The German word for "Trebuchet" would be "Tribock" and in English it's or "Trebucket" as far as I know.
Of course both "Tribock" and "Trebucket" derive from the French word "Trebuchet", which is (due to Age of Empires II ) far more popular and used in English and German, too.
Ballista has its origins in Latin (and the Latin word is based on Greek...) and is used in both English and German without major changes (I'm quite sure it's Balliste in German).
Anyway, I can't see a reason not use Tribock or Trebuchet and Balliste in German.
Greetings Geirröd
Gott des Ortograviehs

Alter: 53
Anmeldungsdatum: 12.04.2005
Beiträge: 3390
Wohnort: Wien

It is indeed Ballist[B]e[/] in German, I've just looked it up because I've never heard of this word before.