Alter: 45
Anmeldungsdatum: 21.11.2004
Beiträge: 3818
Wohnort: Nähe Altötting
Everyone who is interested in the story of the Wyrm should read the flavour texts.
The 31 cards marked with 'iW' are used for the basic rules. The 3 additional cards marked with 'iX' will be used when playing with the emissiaries. For the advanced rules (with or without inquisitors), all cards can be used.
Some characters possess both the PAIR and the GANG symbol. All of those
belong to a gang and have a partner in another gang. All standard rules for
pairs and gangs apply.
The shadow symbol:
This symbol originates from the (also inofficial) people 'The Rhul' created
by Redamikanas.
If an active character in your combat area is positioned directly above an
inactive character, the value of the inactive character is added to your
strength. The inactive character is not reactivated by this.
If you want to download an archive with all cards: CLICK HERE
_________________ Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn't there
He wasn't there again today
I wish that man would go away
"Bildung bedeutet nicht einen Eimer zu füllen, sondern ein Feuer zu entfachen."
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