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Blue Moon Fan
Alter: 45
Anmeldungsdatum: 21.10.2004
Beiträge: 16
Wohnort: Yverdon
I am a beginner + I am russian + living in Switzerland and having a french rules. So here i am on a German site ( where I dont understand no one word) and have some questions in half-english )
How to play the personage-cards such as "Pythie of the life after death" and "Pythie de l`instant"? They are with a sign "STOP" so i can`t play "Help" cards, so I can`t take the cards from the pack, cause i can do it only after "help phase", which is not possible with this "STOP" (the hand on the card). May be traduction not correct?
Thanks for help.
_________________ Want to know everything!
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Katty am Di 26 Okt, 2004 23:51, insgesamt einmal bearbeitet
Blue Moon Emperor****
Anmeldungsdatum: 13.04.2004
Beiträge: 1211
Ok I guess I understand what your problem is...
The Stop-Symbol only means that you skip the "Help-Phase"
(also known as "Booster- & Supportphase" )
So you play one of the shamans, you ignore the Help-phase,
and then you go and pick a card out of your drawpile (Mimix 20),
or shuffle your discardpile and take 2 cards from it (Mimix 21)...
then you announce your power, draw back to six cards, and end your turn.
P.S.: I don't know, but if it's easier for you to ask things in french, then go ahead...
but I don't have the rules in french, so this time it will probably me who doesn't always find the right words
Blue Moon Fan
Alter: 45
Anmeldungsdatum: 21.10.2004
Beiträge: 16
Wohnort: Yverdon
Thanks a lot, they could just write : i take a "+" card i want from the pack, showing to you, taking it and mixing my pack. Mimix 20
Thanks a lot!
_________________ Want to know everything!
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