Is anyone using the I.P. address matchup service? I've looked and nobody ever has a game up. I've tried twice to find an opponent by posting a game and had no takers. This would be a great resource if people started using it.
Alter: 48
Anmeldungsdatum: 16.03.2004
Beiträge: 512
Wohnort: Wien
a lot of people are using the chat to fix a day to play. The IP-Service is in use ( i use it by myself), but at this time, unfortunate aren't a lot of BM-Fans from USA using this forum we hope they will find in nearer future this site and use it.
The biggest problem to play Europe against USA is the time....(you know this...).
The most euorpean people are online for a game from ~ 19.00 to 23.00 (+1 GMT), so if you want you can try it at this time.
Good Luck
Kind regards
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